Chapter 10

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Toby's P.O.V.

"Fine, I'll give you one more chance. This last one, no more chances after that. Screw up and I'll run away again, next time you won't be able to find me." And at those word, it made my day. I'm so glad she gave me another chance.

"You won't regret it, I promise."

"You better not."

I took out my phone to call Kevin.

"Hey K, can you clear out the room next to me. I have a guest coming with me."

"Yeah sure, Alpha. But may I ask who?"

"You'll see, it's a surprise."


I ended our call before he can ask questions. Now I had to mind link my mom. Not good.

'Hey mom, can you do me a favour' I asked my mom.

'Sure, but why do I feel like it's gonna end with me yelling at you?' I chuckled nervously at that.

'I need yo to buy  blankets, toys, a crib, diapers...' I quieted down when I started  listing things.



'What did you say?'

'I said; "I may have mated with my mate and rejected her afterwards and I ended up getting her pregnant  but the good news is that she gave me a chance to start over and be a family again."'

'What did I tell you when it comes to having sex. "No glove, no love" remember? Unless you wanted to have a child.'  I blushed when she used the lesson she always told me since I started puberty.

'You also got pregnant. I'm the proof of that.'

'Yeah, but at least we waited a few months before having you.' I got embarrass because my mother is still quoting the sex lesson she taught me when I was starting puberty.

'I wonder if it is a girl or boy,' My mother started. 'Oh, I think we should get a dark wooden crib, and the blankets have patterns of clouds or stars. The ceiling should have clouds so it looks like he is looking up in the sky. Maybe the walls sho...'

"Hello. Hello! Toby I swear, don't make me regret giving you a second chance!" Kathryn said as she waved her hands in front of my face. That's all it took to snap me out of the mind link.

"Don't you dare!" I started becoming possessive and to make my point I put her on my lap and started teasing her neck. I started to breathe heavily. I nuzzled my nose against the nape of her neck. I felt her shudder beneath me. Her breath started to shorten and her heart was hammering inside. I wasn't done yet. I brushed my teeth against her neck,where the mark will be. I heard her gasp. I smirked. "You are mine. Don't forget that."

She nodded her head, trying to calm her hammering heart.


Uh oh. She used my full name. Not good.

'Did you just cut me off of mind link?! And you still haven't told me if it's a girl or boy. I want to know that so I can choose what colours to have in it's  room.'

'It's a boy and his name is Ryan. But I just want you to tell dad and no one else. I want to suprise and show off my family.'

'Aww. I bet he is a charmer right now. One more question. When are you coming back?' Oh no.

Rejected and left pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now