Chapter 16

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I woke up in my bed to the sun blasting in my face. Ugh, I don't know about other people, but I'm not a morning person.

I stretched, lingering there for a few seconds as I enjoy this feeling, with my limbs wrapped up in white bed sheets.

I noticed that Toby isn't next to me, and I checked my phone for the time. 7:45, huh strange, I thought. He isn't usually up this early.

I sighed and finally forced myself out of bed. I got out of my pjs and into matching black garments, black ripped jeans and a white tank top. I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair, so I decided to leave it down.

I went into the bathroom to do all of my regular routine, before I went to check on Ryan. Surprisingly he only woke me up only a few times, and it was one of the best sleep I've gotten in awhile.

I turned on the baby monitor and took the other one with me clipping it to the back of my pants pocket. I opened the door and smelled the delicious bacon. It lead me to the kitchen where I saw Toby information of the stove, cooking up breakfast.

"You came in just in time, babe. I made us breakfast." He said. I blushed when he called me babe.

"It smells good. Whatcha making?" I asked.

"Scrambled eggs with bacon in them." My mouth was watering.

"When did you learn to cook?" I ask curiously and teasingly.

"Through YouTube awhile back when you weren't here." He said sheepishly. I chuckled softly. I went behind him and leaned my body against him, wrapping my arms through his arms, resting my hands on his shoulders.

He relaxed into my arms, and I kissed him on the shoulder. That sent a chill through his body.

"You may not want to do that again while I'm cooking, unless you prefer your food burnt." He said as he clears his throat.

I unwrapped my arms from him, sheepishly. He involuntarily whines at that action.

"Don't worry big boy, I'll kiss you again, but I want to avoid creating a fire." I said teasingly.

He scrapped the eggs and bacon onto two places equally, picked them up, and lead me to the dining room. When we got there, the table was already prepared, with utensils, toasts, condiments, and orange juice in tall glasses for two people. I gasped in surprise and awe.

"You did all of this?"

"Yeah, I wanted to be the one to make you breakfast this time, and of course, I'll do it as often as I can." He placed the plates down, as we sat at the end of the table.

Is sat down, and put ketchup beside my eggs. I took a bite and moaned. These are really good.

I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with dark eyes. I blushed furiously, and remembered not to hide my face, so I just stuffed it with more food to avoid another eye contact again.

"So, you like the food?"

I nodded my head, as I continued to chew. I took a couple more toasts onto my plate and munched on them. I'm so hungry right now.

After we finished up, we put away everything, although it took a couple of minutes to convince him to let me help, after all, he's the one who made everything. I'd feel bad if I didn't help.

When we finished, he turned to face me.

"So, how 'bout that kiss you promised me earlier?" I opened my mouth to say some thing, but I got interrupted by the baby cry. Saved by the bell, I thought.

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