Kidnapped By My Mate [18+]

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Hi my lovelies!

I'm writing this new book called Kidnapped By My Mate, the title might be changed but I'm going to leave it until something better comes up

Here's the first chapter if you're interested;

**********CHAPTER 1**********


I carry the last box from the U-Haul I rented, hating that it took almost 3 hours. Oof I am sweating. Determined, I carry the last box to the elevator where I press the button to lead me to the 8th floor. I use the railing where I let the edge of the box support some of the weight, allowing brief relief before the elevator doors open again.

I used the new key to get into my apartment, to which my building manager hesitantly gave me upon meeting me the first time.

I don't blame him, with my long hair usually left down tied up in a bun showing my 16 piercings I have on my ears. My tattoos are quite visible with only a tank top to cover some.

I faked an ID when I was 16 stating that I was 18, which is the legal age limit to get tattoos. I got a job in my scrappy town as a grocery clerk, and I decided I to finally go for the look I've always wanted to get since I had the money for it finally.

My neck tattoo was my birthday treat to myself for turning the official legal age, I gave my regular artist freedom in design asking him to at least match same aesthetic. When he was done with it, I remember being so pleased with it because it gave almost an elegance to it with the rose in the centre and the nice pattern of black work along the rest of my neck. Some might say this is really bold, but I've been wanting a neck tattoo for 4 years. They should've been proud I waited that long when there were so many chances.

As an adult, I still don't plan on stopping, but I do plan on slowing down as painfully as possible so that I don't run out of space, I hope I don't get there. I don't care about aging with it, I've seen some badass photos of old people with their tattoos. I want to be like them.

As for my piercings, I started piercing them at home starting at 12 with my first pair since my parents didn't want to spend money on one. By the time I was 15, I had 3 ear lobes each and couldn't wait to get cartilage piercings at tattoo shops.

Nobody in my school expected me to graduate, especially not with honours of 86%. This landed me to the only college I could afford as the good enough grades landed me scholarships there.

I applied to accounting since I'm good with numbers. I've been doing my taxes when I started working part time in high school. I was determined to show these fuckers that despite how I looked, I am smart enough to do what I want.

2 years later, I graduated top of my class, and with a favour from one of my favourite professors and 3 shining letter of recommendations, I landed a job in a law firm at a big city 5 hours away.

This was the fresh start I was looking for since I was a preteen, even saving up as much money as possible. I am moving into a loft that I'll be able to afford on my own, in a not so terrible crime area compared to where I grew up. I start on the coming Monday, so I rented a truck and moved my things in on the Saturday before since the offer was so quick.

My boss will be shocked to say the least, but at first I'll keep my makeup neutral and cover up most of my tattoos. My piercings luckily is easily hidden by my hair I kept natural since it's a lovely shade of brown. I can't cover up my neck tattoo, besides pretty soon they'll get used to it. I'm only an accountant, I'll be hidden away in some cubicle as I work on whatever they give me.

They can't fire me for my looks, especially since I already have a signed contract for 1 year with them. Until then, they're stuck with me and it'll look great on my application. I'm just going to have to continue to work hard at showing them that I belong there.

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