Chapter 4

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Toby's P.O.V.

I woke up with a huge hangover. I felt someone cuddling against me. The memories of last night came flooding to me. Me and my wolf are so happy and excited about finding a mate, but that all turned to disgust as I realized who my mate was.

Kathryn Montgomery, the pack's omega. She can't possibly be my mate, the Luna of the Silvermoon pack; a.k.a. The strongest pack in the United States. I forbid to have a mate who's weak, fragile, and ugly.

"What?!? She's our mate, how can you think of her that way!! She's the most beautiful person I have ever seen!! And you call her pathetic!! At least she doesn't open her legs a lot like you do, you moron!!--"

I blocked him out feeling very tired of his 'speech' or whatever you want to call it.

As quietly and quickly as possible, I got out of the bed and got dressed as fast as I could.

I walked towards the door, opened it, and gave a one last glance at her. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I sighed and went to my friend's room to play video games.

Kathryn's P.O.V.

I woke up in a bed naked. The memories of last night were playing in my head like I movie. I sighed at the thought and a huge smile crept on my face. There was soreness in my area.

I realized that I was alone in the bed. my happiness turn to worrying. Just to see if he was coming back, I waited for a few minutes. Than I realized that he must have rejected me. I mean, I'm not pretty, or sexy, or anything. I wept in the bed for a few minutes, and then put the clothes back on.

I went into my room. I changed my clothes and went to Claudia's room.

Claudia's P.O.V.




"Who is it?" I called out.

"It's me, Kathryn"

"Come in!"

She opened the door and closed it behind her. When she turned around, there was pain, sadness, and emptiness in her eyes. I was starting to get worried.

"What's happened?" I asked worried that maybe someone punished her again, but worse.

"Oh, you know, I shifted two days ago, and- oh yeah! My so called MATE rejected me after mating with me!" I said with her voice dripped in sarcasm. Never had she spoken to me like that.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!? Do you want me to kill him?!? Who is he?!?" I felt my anger building up.

"I'm fine, don't kill him, and he is the Alpha of this pack so you can't kill him." she replied trying to calm me down but sure ain't working. That just made me angrier.

"Why the hell not?!?"

"Well, first of all he's your Alpha. And second of all, I want him to live, despise that I hate what he did." She replied calmly.

"How the fudge sticks can you be calm about it?!?"

"Well, this is why I wanted to talk to you. I'm leaving, Claudia." She said so low I almost didn't hear here, but thanks to my werewolf hearing, I did.

"Goodbye, Claudia." She said while tears were streaming down her face.

"I want you to call me soon. Goodbye, Kathryn." I said, not being able to stop my own tears. We hugged and she left my room. My best friend, gone because of fate.

Kathryn's P.O.V.

"Goodbye, Claudia." I said unable to hold back my tears.

"Goodbye, Kathryn." She said with tears streaming down her cheek. we hugged and then I left her room.

When I came into my room, I packed some of my clothes, my money that I saved up, my hairbrush, and a couple of other things.

I wrote two letters; one for my 'brother' and one for my so called 'mate'.

Dear 'MATE',

You know? I thought when I find my mate, he would at least try to protect me. But NOOO!! He just rejected me. You know something? You didn't even bother to get to know me before you reject me. I mean what kind of person is like that? So I will say this once and hopefully only once; I Kathryn Emilia Montgomery, accept your rejection Toby Martinez, Alpha of Red Moon pack. Don't try to look for me, I don't want to be found.

Bye bitch,


Dear 'brother',

Ever since mom and dad died, you hated me. You keep telling me it's my fault. I know that okay? Heck, I didn't even had the proper way of mourning because as soon as they died, I was hated and punished. Sometimes I even wish I died instead of them. Maybe you would be happy, I mean you would still have a full family if it wasn't for me. You keep telling me that you wish I wasn't alive. So I am going to grant you a wish that is even better. You don't even have to pay for a funeral. I'll move someplace that you won't find me. I'll make sure you don't have to hear from me again. I forgive you.

Goodbye forever,

I sighed as I put the letters on the bed. I grabbed my bags and climbed out of the window. i felt  the grass below my feet before i know it.  I stripped out of my cllothes, tied them around my ankel and shifted back into my beautiful wolf.

"You know I am doing this for us, right?" I asked Sapphire.

"Yeah, I know" she replied glumly.

I put the bags in my mouth and I started to run. I looked back at the pack house one last time, and then I ran like I never had before.


>>That is a picture of Toby on the side.<<




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