Chapter 21

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I paced along the hallway waiting for news of my mate. I can't get that image out of my head, her completely covered in blood. I'm so glad that I saw her alive, but terrified she's hurt in any way.

When she started to fall I never ran faster in my life. It's a good thing Claudia is mated because I wouldn't have been able to have known she was in danger. But when we arrived there, Kathryn was gone, someone took her. But her scent ended there so I couldn't tell which direction she even was taken to.

It didn't click until I smelled her scent briefly, Ingrid Lemonwood. For a girl who looks innocent and has a sweet name, she's venomous and leaved a sour taste in my mouth just thinking about her. My men have told me that her body was discovered and that there's only two scents in that room, I was proud of my mate.

I was so close to making sure she would be safe forever, I should've kept a closer eye on her. It was three fucking days until the ceremony, but also I can do now is just wait for the pack doctor to come out of that room and tell me the news.

Thankfully even though I know it's killing her not to be here, Claudia is taking care of Ryan to feel like she is doing something to help. My parents are taking over pack responsibilities temporarily until I'm able to work again. Right now my family needs me more.

Kevin showed up frantically, when he spotted me he walked right up to me.

"Is she okay? What the fuck happened?"

"The doctor is still in there with her, it's been half hour and no one is saying anything" I don't want to take that in a negative way but I can't help but feel like it's bad news.

Finally I see the doctor come through the doors. I rushed right up to her, with Kevin on my tail.

"Good news, most of the blood she came in with wasn't hers. She did obtain a few injuries, especially from the crash, but she and the babies are doing alright."

I froze.


"Congratulations, she's about three weeks along. The blood work showed a high level of hCG indicating multiples, possibly twins. She's still unconscious as she did obtain a mild concussion from the crash. I do want to keep her overnight for observation, but otherwise everything checks out and you're free to see her. It might take her a couple of hours before she wakes up, and I will warn you she might be a bit disoriented. None of the medications we gave her will hurt the babies so you don't have to worry about that either."

And with that she lead the both of us to the room. She looks as beautiful as always, but I hate seeing all these patches and the breathing tube attached to her. She belongs at home with me, safe. Guilt once again hits me deeply. I should've protected her.

"You did everything you could, don't blame yourself for that crazy bitch. Not your fault she went ballistic after you braking off the pact that both your fathers made without you. None of this is your fault, shit happens and she couldn't deal. Now all you can do is spend the rest of your life making sure that your family is safe and loved."

When I looked at Kevin, he was staring at his sister softly. He turns to me, nods before leaving the room to leave us alone.

I sat down in the chair next to her, and waited for her to wake up.





Ugh the annoying sound was back.

Why is it dark?

My eyelids feels so heavy, when I finally opened them, I was immediately blinded by the lights. I quickly shut my eyes and I let out a small groan.

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