Chapter 20

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Ever since he asked me two weeks ago, I've been so busy planning for the ceremony coming up in three days with the help of some pack members and Claudia.

Although there's been nothing to indicate if this was true, as the ceremony got closer and closer, I felt like I was being watched more than ever. I don't know if it's just the guards, the pack members, or some one else who's been the one watch me, or if it's even a figment of my imagination.

Maybe I'm just going crazy, maybe the pressure is getting to me. I'm sure that's it, I just need the day to come fast enough and get it over with so that everything can go back to normal and I can stop being paranoid.

It's not really a far stretch it say that anyways. Lately the stress has been a lot to handle, there's so much left to do I'm barely eating, I'm constantly throwing up, and with Toby busy with his Alpha duties, I can tell he's worried about something but doesn't want to add to my plate so he avoids the topic of work whenever we're together. Instead he tries to help plan the ceremony, especially since he knows more about this than me, I've never witnessed one in real life.

Sometimes Alphas from other packs travel to witness the ceremony as a sign of respect. Toby's mentioned he's been to 3, and assured me that everything will be perfect and that we will enjoy the day, especially what happens afterwards.

The first time mating after the blood bind is supposed to make you feel 10x the effects you feel because you are as one and you touch each other's souls in ways one cannot imagine, feeling pure bliss like never before.

———————————————————————————————————————— WARNING: SEXUAL CONTENT, IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ SCROLL DOWN

Just the thought of that makes me flushed, and within seconds Toby was behind me. He wrapped his arms under my arms around my stomach, pressing my body against his very obvious bulge he has growing in his pants.

"What are you thinking about? I can feel the sexual tension from the hallway" he said with a deep rasp, like he's barely containing him.

"I'm just wondering what the night after the ceremony will feel like, thinking about it makes me feel nervous and excited for it at the same time" I confessed, while my face reddened.

"If I do it correctly, I can make you come so hard you'll not only be seeing the stars in the back of your head but also won't be able to move your legs for the remainder of the night. I'm gonna make you ride that orgasm for the longest time until you beg for mercy. How does that sound?"

All I could manage to do is nod, but that was not enough for him. His hand went under her shirt, lightly grazing her skin before sinking below the waistband.

He moved the underwear to the side and started playing with my clit, first lightly moving it in circles before it got swollen and hard, to which he then pinched the bud between his thumb and forefinger, twisting it, pulling on it gently, playing with it while his other hand pulls down my pants off my ass to get better access. He proceeds to finger me, starting at two before leading up to four. The combination of both my clit and pussy being played with has me moaning so loudly I'm so thankful our bedroom is sound proofed.

Just when I felt like I was just about to come, he removed his hands, pulled up my pants, and even had the audacity to lick my juices off his fingers right in front of me.

"Tasty" he smirked.

And just like that he left. My mouth is wide open, and so I decided I'm so sexually frustrated I'm gonna go take care of it myself. I texted Claudia to go sex toy shopping since at this point my fingers aren't good enough to satisfy me since they were no where near his level.

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