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17 and a half years later


"Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to Ryan!

Happy birthday to youuuuuuu!"

The pack sang the birthday theme song. I'm the oldest of 5 kids, after my 16 year old sisters Flora and Eloise, my 10 year old brother Ronan, and my 8 year old brother Westley who was a surprise to say the least considering he was conceived after my parents were sterile. I guess there's always a chance and he somehow made it.

Today I turn 18, I'm supposed to be able to find my mate today or any day after that. I hope my mate is my girlfriend Sofia, I would be heartbroken if she isn't. I won't know until near midnight when I officially turn 18 anyways exactly to my birth time, that detail I absolutely hate. So for now all we can do is pretend and just enjoy the night.

"My baby is finally 18! I can't believe he's grown up!" I hear my mother say. I rolled my eyes before turning towards her.

"Mooom, how many times to I have to tell you I'm not your baby anymore, especially now that I'm officially an adult."

"You're right, I'm sorry. But promise me though that as soon as you finish getting to know your mate, whoever she may be, that you introduce us to her. I want to meet my future daughter-in-law!"

"Don't worry Mom, you know I will. Anyways I got to meet Sophia somewhere, she's been wanting to get a dance out of me all night. Good night, love you guys! Bye!" I was gone before they could say bye back.

"Hey there you are! I've been looking all over for you, babe. Where'd you disappear off to after the cake?"

I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend with her beautiful smile on her face that made me smile just as brightly back.

"I was ambushed by the fam, but got away as soon as I could to come find you. Hey gorgeous, ready for that dance?"

And with that she pulled me to the dance floor as we danced to the song Freaky Deaky by Tyga and Doja Cat. We danced to a few more songs after this, even made out a little even though we aren't normally the PDA type, we both did it on the off chance we're not mates.

"Let's go for a walk, I think I need fresh air" I asked her. She looks sad, and nodded feeling like she could use the air herself.

We walked towards the woods where we know a small body of water is not too far from here, as the moon is full tonight so I would be able to have no visibility problems.

As soon as we got there I noticed that we weren't alone. The figure noticed our presence and took off.

"Sofia go back home and stay safe! I'll be back!" I called back as I ran after them.

I seem to be slowly catching up before I was able to lunge toward and tackle the intruder. Sparks shot up through me as I made skin to skin contact. Mate.

I felt happiness followed by sadness as the realization that Sophia, my girlfriend of 3 years isn't my mate.

"Mate" I said under my breath in shock.

The person tensed as I said that, and I quickly got off, giving room for the both of us to stand.

I froze as we made eye contact.

Ryder Valentinus, Alpha of the Bloodcrest pack, our long time rivals.

Oh shit.

Before I can even say anything, he took off, making me feel rejected.

I stood there for a while before I mustered the courage to walk back, knowing my fate is to lead my pack alone. I can only hope that one day he finds it in his heart to maybe love me more than he hates me.




Rejected and left pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now