Chapter 14

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Kathryn has taken quite a long time. Where is she?

I heard the sound of something breaking. I ran to see what it's about.

I turned the corner to see Kathryn on the ground surrounded by broken played and food.

"Kathryn!" I called out. I reached to her to see her unconscious.

"Someone get the pack doctor! Now!" Some scrambled to find the doctor.

"What's wrong? I heard you call for me." Our pack doctor Dr. Flore asked. She looked at Kathryn. "Oh dear, tell me what happened."

"We don't know. She was supposed to bring us the reheated food, while I go put Ryan in the play crib. Next thing I know, she was found like this. Do you know what happened?" I asked frantically.

"It's hard to tell what happened right now. I may have an idea but it would get a better idea in my office. Can you carry her there?"

"Yeah. But I need someone to take care of my son." I looked in the crowd to see Kevin. I nodded to him as if telling him to do that. He nodded back but when he looked at Kathryn, he looks so worried and broken.

I began to pick her up and her muscles are tense even as she was unconscious. She seemed to relax a little as her wolf feels my presence. I softly smiled at that.

I brought Kathryn to dr. Flore's office.

"I need to be alone to do this. I don't have enough space for you to be in the room as well. I'll let in as soon as I'm done. Can you do that for us, Alpha?" I angrily nodded. I looked at her and it crushed my heart as I saw fear on her face.

I nodded out of the room, but not before kissing her on the forehead and telling her 'I love you'.


3 hours later

I'm anxiously waiting for Dr. Flore. It's been too long. I'm very worried about her. I hope she's alright. I can't live without her.

I looked down to Ryan who's sound asleep in my arms. He looks so much like me and Kathryn. I use my fingertips and brushed it along his face. I'm in love with him.

I am trying to occupy myself by playing with Ryan, although I had to change him once. Let's just say that with my alpha scent 'upgrade', it smells worse than sh*t.

I heard the door open. Dr. Flore came into view. I got up, but not too fast to awaken Ryan.

"So? What's the news? Is she okay?" I asked with worry lacing my voice.

"It's just what I thought. She had a panic attack that took a toll on her body making her go unconscious. Now, she's in a small coma and will wake up soon--it could be now or it could be 12 hours from now on. We can't tell exactly when she's going to wake up. Would you like to see her?" I eagerly nodded my head.

She guided me to her where she's laying on the hospital bed with and IV on her. She still has some fear on her face, but not as much as before. Dr. Flore left the room to be alone with her.

I sat down in a chair that was placed next to the bed. With my free hand I grabbed hers which was freezing cold.

I can't believe she had a panic attack. Being here must've been too much for her. Wait--when I found her, she was right by the basement door. My face paled.

"I'm so sorry, my love. I didn't realize that being here would be this bad. When you wake up, I'll try to replace those memories with good ones--well obviously not the basement which would be both stupid and impossible, but I'll try. I'm so sorry. I don't deserve you."

Rejected and left pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now