Chapter 12

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Dedicated this chapter to Charliiie

Kathryn's P.O.V.

My breath kinda shook as I stepped down the stairs. Holding Ryan in my arms, and Toby's arm wrapped around my waist, we headed to the dinning room for dinner.

We stepped through, and most of them quieted down. Others took a while, confused on what they were looking at. As soon as those turned around, I insides tightens with uneasiness.

Toby gave me a slight squeeze, telling me it's gonna be all right.

Everyone began to go back to their conversations, but I could still hear my name being used a few times. I tried to ignore.

We walking to sit in a table with my brother, Toby's parents, Andrea and Drake, and Henry (TIC) and his new mate Olivia.

Olivia apparently met him when he came to her pack for the business meeting 10 months ago. She is now engaged to him. The wedding will be during the winter.

"Your son is adorable! What's his name?" Olivia asked.

"Is name is Ryan and he is four months old." I replied, showing off my son.

"So, how did you guys meet?" She asked. Of course, she is not familiar with the story.

"I'll explain to you afterwards. Right now it's time to feed my little monkey. Excuse me."

I took him to his room. I changed into more comfortable clothes first. I heard him fussing and crying.

"I know little guy, I know. Mommy's coming."

I fed and burped him, and now am placing him back to his crib. It took him a few minutes to finally sleep.

On the way down, I bumped into Ariana.

"Oh, hell no!" I said. I was hoping to avoid her. "If I throw a stick, will you leave?"

She ignored the comment.

"Aw, the ugly b*tch came back even uglier!" She retorted.

"Thanks, I tried to look like you today? One question though; does your outfit come with a pole?" I asked innocently.

"How dare you! You know what? You're just jealous 'cause you're a loser!" She shrieked which hurt my ears.  

"Does your ass get jealous from the amount of sh*t that comes out of your mouth?"I smirked. She gasped.

That was all it took to get her to stomp away angrily. She mind link that I better watch my back.

'She's so pathetic, I can't believe we used to be pushed around by her!' Sapphire said.

'I know right! Now, I just wish I had the backbone to stand up, but than again, I probably would have died.'

I headed towards the dinning room when I bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going b*tch!" He said.

"You know what? I think you should where a condom on your head. If you're gonna act like a d*ck, might as well dress like one." That left him gaping his mouth.

I went to sit beside Toby. I turned to face my brother.

"Hey, later do you want to play a game?" I asked.

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