Chapter 18

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Dedicated to oliviaclair3 
^thanks luv

When I entered the living room, it was like time just stopped. Everything just slowed down, with each tick of a second felt like minutes. My breath got stuck in my throat, as I saw her. All it took was one glimpse and I was a goner. She's so beautiful.

Her pink dress accents her body in a sexy way, but the way it flows makes her look innocent. Her hair, though I like it natural, looks good in curls. I just want to kiss her and hold her forever, but I refrained myself because I don't want her to scare her away.

I took it all in, and when I got to her eyes, I realized she's been checking me out too, which makes me feel better that we both have an effect on one another.

"Well, I think you guys should be going." Claudia said with gleam.

We broke eye contact, headed towards Ryan, and took turns kissing him goodnight.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"We shall." She smiled.

When we got out of the house, I took her to the passenger's side, and opened the door for her. I want this to be the best first date for her.

We drove off, to our journey towards our destination. I could tell she's wondering where we are going.

"So, can you give me a hint of some kind? I mean, the suspension is killing me here." She pouted. I chuckled at that.

"Sweetheart, it's only been 10 minutes. We will continue to drive for about 20 more minutes. How about we play 20 questions?" With that she agreed.



After about 20 minutes, like he said, the car stopped and we are parked in front of a forest. I nervously got out of a car.

"Here, put on this blind fold. I want it to be a surprise." I hesitantly put on the blind fold, making sure that I didn't tie in my hair.

After a couple minutes of him leading me through the forest and me pestering him about if we were there yet, we finally came to a stop.

"Okay, NOW you can take off your blindfold."

When I did, I gasped. We were in a small clearing with a lake in the view, a large picnic spread on the floor a few feet in front of us, with pillows and food of course. Lights were hanged up high from one side of the clearing to the other. There was a small place closer to the water, on the sand, where a fire pit took place. The moon was almost full, and it was very bright, making everything clear to see, especially with the extra lights.

"Do you like it?" I turned to see that he was nervous. I could tell he put a lot of thought to this. I nodded my head, and a huge smile broke out on his face. I couldn't have helped but to lean in to kiss him. He melted right into the kiss and hugged me as close as possible to him.

Usually our kisses were heated, but this one was full of passion. When we broke apart a few moments later, we went to sit down and enjoy our food.

Rejected and left pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now