Chapter 19

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He laid down next to me and managed to cover us with a blanket while we positioned ourselves to cuddle comfortably. We decided to just lay there and look up at the stars for who knows how long because I don't remember falling asleep.

I feel the warmth of the sun against my skin indicating that it is already morning. He must've carried me home because when I opened my eyes, it took me a second to realize I was in my new bedroom.

Ugh my breasts feels so sore, I didn't get a chance to pump before I slept last night, I can feel how full they are. I tried to get out of bed, but I didn't realize there's a pair of arms wrapped around my torso holding me back.

I rubbed his arms to wake him up, only resulting him to stir.

"Toby?" He grunted sleepily in return.

"I need to pump, my breasts are full and it's really sore." This resulted in him snuggling his head into me and squeezing his arms around me harder. So I did what any logical hormonal woman would, I smacked his arms until he reluctantly let me go.

I went into the closet to grab one of his comfy t shirt, unplugged my phone from the night stand, and went to look for the nursery hoping that's where they would place a pump. After three doors I felt the shirt stick to me and I look down to see that I leaked through. Damn it.

I finally reached the nursery down the hallway and found the pumps in the closet. Thank god.

After I finish setting up I went to the rocking chair and went on my phone to pass time.


The bed was starting to feel lonely without her because it didn't feel comfortable to sleep without her, so I dragged myself out of bed, threw on some boxers and went to look for her.

I followed her scent to the nursery and saw her occupied on the rocking chair. I went over to kiss her good morning.

"I'm heading to the kitchen, the fridge is stocked up so is there anything you're particularly hungry for breakfast? I could whip something up" I offered.

"How 'bout some bacon and eggs on toast?"

"Coming right up, I'll bring it up once I'm done so you don't have to move until you're done" I leaned down to kiss her again before walking towards the kitchen.

Once I got there I kept myself busy for 20 minutes as I fixed up two plates. I brought it upstairs and set them on the side table while I quickly left to grab a chair to join her.

"So unless there's something you need to do today, I'm thinking we could pick up Ryan from Claudia and the three of us go to the mall to get some new things. What do you think?"

"Yeah that sounds good, I know Ryan only has a week or two if I'm lucky with the clothes he has, and I should get get myself some clothes since I'm struggling to keep my postpartum clothes on me."

"Great! We'll leave whenever you're ready. After you're done we could hop in the shower, hopefully together, you know, to save water and such" I playfully offered.

"You and I both know we wouldn't be saving anything if we showered together" she said while shaking her head with the most beautiful smile on her.

"Always worth a try" I smiled back. I quickly scarfed down the food and then waited for her to be done before leaving to place them in the dishwasher.

Soon after I left I heard her footsteps and felt her presence pulled towards me as she used the connection to find where I went and also most likely where the kitchen is too.

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