Chapter 17

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"Kathryn? Baby, are you okay?" The voice got me back to the reality.

I stare at him, my mind slowly taking in what's happening.

"W-what did you j-just say?" I asked him for clarification.

"Will you go on a date with me? I'm thinking tonight at 7?" This time, his voice was laced with terror and hope. There was silence.

A few seconds past and he was about to take a step back, but I reached for his face, one hand on each side and kissed him.

Our lips met, it was a simple peck at first, but then when he dipped his tongue in, things got intense. I had to stop before it got too heated.

"So was that a yes?" His voice raspy.

"Well, what did you think, dumbass?" I said in a husky, sarcastic voice.

"Good, although, excuse me as I take a very LONG cold shower, because if we didn't stop, I would've taken you here and now, and believe me, you would be screaming my name for hours." That comment made me blush like a tomato. I tried to hide my face, but he turned my face towards him making me look up to his black pitched eyes full of lust.

"What did I tell you about hiding your face when you blush?" That made me blush even more. He chuckled.

"Go take that cold shower now." I needed to say that so he would stop saying thinks that are making my face the same shade as a freaking tomato.

He groaned as I smirked as he slowly walked to the bathroom, his walk was a little stiff, which made me try not to laugh.

As soon as the door closed, I walked to the closet, trying to see what I should wear for our very first date. Most of my clothes are black--don't judge, but that is my favourite colour.

I packed some of the clothes, just the ones I don't usually wear. Most of the stuff in the room is packed. I can't wait til we move in. Just three more days.

I went to lay down on the bed, and I touched my lips, smiling at the memory of when his lips touched mine.

I went on my phone, trying to lose time.

What felt like forever, I finally heard the water stop running.

The door opened, and I turn my head to see Toby with a towel wrapped around his waist dangerously low, as I could see the shape of his very toned pelvis.

As I looked back up at his face, I see him smirking.

"Like what you see?"

"Hell yeah." I wasn't even gonna lie. His eyes turned dark, but shook his head to clear out his head, and walked to the closet.

It was my turn to take a shower, and I made mine cold too, but not freezing cold.

I stripped off my clothes and went to step in. I was used to cold showers since that is was I had since early childhood because me having hot ones were too privileged for me to have.

I took my time in the shower, my mind filling with thoughts about our date. I've never been on a date  so all of this is new to me.

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