Chapter 3

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Kat's P.O.V.

I woke up with the sun in my face. I am usually a morning person, and I would wake up at 5:45 in the morning. Sometimes I would take a walk in the forest.

"Well good morning to you, too!" A sarcastic voice replied in my head. At first I was confused, but images from last night rushed in my head.

I smiled at the memory. It was the first time I felt so happy, so relaxed.

"I'm still here you know" Sapphire said, getting a little annoyed.

"Sorry, it will take a while to get used to it. It's not everyday I get a wolf!" I replied. I blocked her out and went to take a shower.

As I washed my skin, I felt a smooth surface, not scarred or rough, but a smooth skin. I felt quite happy that I no longer have scars on my body.

I got out of the shower and changed into white lingerie and grey sweatpants as well as a sweater, even though it's not cold out.

I went downstairs to get the house ready for the party. Did I forget to tell you that the soon-to-be-alpha Toby Martinez's 18th birthday is today? Well, it is.

Even though he bullies me a lot, he would still a great leader. Today he should find his mate, since everyone finds their mates when they're 18. But we shift at the age of 17, since you can have the time to get used to your wolf. Sometimes people shift few months after their birthday (like me), and sometimes they shift on their birthday.

I took a hour to bake a six layers chocolate cake, with blue icing and a picture of a wolf painted on the top of the cake. on the side, there is a sign that is dark chocolate, with white icing letters saying "Happy 18th Birthday, Toby!"

I let out a deep sigh as I finished the last piece of the cake. I hope he likes it.


I got to school 5 minutes before the bell rang. Today must be my lucky day. Toby is not here today to torture me.

It's a tradition to skip school and have the Alpha and the Alpha-to-be to go for a long run in the forest. It's also a bonding between them as well.

The school has gone by just like always; name calling, slaps, punches, remarks, etc. Not a big deal, I'm used to it.

After school, I came straight to the pack house to help finish decorating the house for the party.



"It's me; Claudia!"

"Oh, come in!" I called.

"Hey, I came to see if you me to help you get ready for the party?" Claudia asked.

"Sure, but I don't have anything nice enough to wear" I looked down ashamed.

"I was going to wait until your 18th birthday, but I this is much more important. Besides, I can get you another gift!"

"I can't, I won't be able to pay you back."

"Just take the damn dress and put it on!" She exclaimed.

"Fine" I muttered.

I went to the washroom to change into the dress. I also have been forced to wear black lacy lingerie. So embarrassing!

The next thing I heard in banging on the door.


Jeez that girl can make you have a heart attack!

When I got out, her mouth was hanging open.

"It looks that bad, huh?"

She shook her head. She pushed me in front of a long full body mirror. In front of this mirror I saw this girl with a black dress that has thick fabric cropped just above the breasts, with a ribbon across my waist, lace on the top of the dress covering the chest and half of my arm. The waist-down of the dress is nice a flowy.

Tears are starting to build up in my eyes. I blinked them away.

"Thank you so much, Claude!" I said honestly.

"Oh it's nothing. Now let's do your hair and makeup!"

By the time she was done, I looked so different, more beautiful.

"Damn girl, you look HOT!!" She squealed. I agree with her.

"Now let's go downstairs and PARTY!" exclaimed Claudia.

I laughed at her childish behaviour. I took a deep breath as I walked down the stairs. Some people stared at me, while girls would send scowls to me. I mean, what did I do? All I did was dress up, its not like I'm prettier than them, with their skinny bodies.

So I went to the kitchen to get a drink. I had a beer... than another one... and a couple of more. I knew I wasn't drunk enough, so I stopped myself from drinking more so I won't get a hangover when I wake up.

The song "Like a virgin" by Madonna. the air filled with sweat, and lust as people were dancing and swaying their bodies against each other.

This powerful sent hit me. The sent of oranges and mint. Two strong arms were wrapped around my waist. Shocks exploded by the touch of him.

"Mate!" Sapphire yelled in my mind.

"Hello" a husky voice was whispered in my ear.

"What's your name, mate?" He slurred. As he spoke, his breath fanned against my cheek. The alcohol is strong, so that must mean that he is drunk.

When I turned around, I realized that Toby was my mate. I looked into his jade green eyes that could be stared at for a long time.

"Kathryn, alpha" I replied a little too quite.

He growled softly. I flinched a little.

"Don't call me Alpha, call me Troy"


And with that, his soft lips came crashing down on mine, and fireworks exploded in my mouth. My first kiss. Yay!

He dragged me to a room where we spent the night making love to each other for hours until we grew restless.


The picture on the side is the dress that Kathryn wore at the party.




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