Chapter 13

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Kathryn's P.O.V.

I woke up blinded by lights. I needed to go to the bathroom so I started to get up only to be held in place by a bionic strength arm.





"Do that again and I'll have punish you, if you know what I mean." That comment made my face go red.

"Well, I need to go to the bathroom and if it wasn't for your arm, I wouldn't have to wake you up!" I explained, a lot more calmer than I feel.

"Stay" he wined like a child.

"Unless you want me to pee on you, than I suggest you to take your arm off me!" I threatened.

Instantly his arm flew off my waist, and I rushed to the bathroom.

When I finished doing my business, I looked in the mirror, and was absolutely mortified.

My hair was a big nest of nots, I have deep bags that Ryan's cries created since he started teething, and when I went to check my breath, let's just say I brushed my teeth three times before being satisfied.

It was war between me and my hair, but I won the battle. I smiled in victory. I put my hair up in a messy bun, before washing my face.

I couldn't do anything realistic with the bags under my eyes so I just left it alone.

I went to check on Ryan, and I saw that he's awake, and looked like he was about to cry.

I changed his diaper, and fed him before burping and changing his onesies. I chose a blue one with a giraffe on it. He looked adorable.

I gave him things so entertain himself.

I went to the closet and changed into light blue jeans, white shirt, and black/white plaid button up on top, leaving it open. Lastly I put on my gold necklace with a diamond on it, from my mom when I was younger.

I checked the mirror one last time before satisfied with the look.

I looked to see if Toby is still sleeping. He is. So I took the pillow under his bed in a swift motion, and making him wake alert in a grumpy kind of way.

"Get dressed. We should all go and do something today. But, let's not go outside just yet. I don't want Ryan to be exposed to too much bacteria since he's been outside yesterday. " I was a little over protective with Ryan. I did not let anyone but family member, and extremely trustworthy and close friends touch him.

"Maybe we should eat breakfast before doing anything else. I'm starving, and I'm not talking about food." He smirks at that comment. I blushed so hard I'm pretty sure that I look horrible.

I cleared my throat before saying that I'm gonna go to the kitchen and make us something.

I took Ryan with me, letting him play with the necklace.

I went downstairs to find Kevin leaning on the counter top in deep thoughts.

I cleared my throat to notify that I am here.

He looked up as I looked away. I don't want to be in the same room right now with him. Yesterday, the game was a way to relieve the pain by insulting him. I just put a fake smile to it.

I pulled a baby seat and placed it on the counter facing towards me, and gave him some toys.

I went to the fridge to get carrots to see if Ryan would try solid food now that he is old enough. Of course I have to mush it.

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