Part Three

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After a few more drinks, I was in no state to drive home. James let me spend the night there saying he'd take the couch.

His room was, again, quite plain; just a bed and a wardrobe. But the bed was quite comfy and I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke hearing the TV in the distance. I frowned and picked up my phone; 2:30am. I groaned and lay back down, but unable to drift back off to sleep.

Getting up, I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my shoulders to keep warm. I had taken off my jeans and top for bed, James lending me a shirt to sleep in. I wandered into the living area and the TV was on but James wasn't on the couch where he said he'd be.

"James?" I stepped into the room more and saw him sat up on the floor, his own sheet resting on his waist, hand propping him up and a pillow on the floor. He turned to face me, sweat dripping down his face and chest, and he was breathing heavily. "Oh my God, James." I breathed out and ran over, kneeling beside him. "I thought you said you'd sleep on the couch?"

He smiled lightly, "I actually said I'd sleep in here." I took my sheet and wiped his forehead of the beads of sweat. "Hey, I'm fine." He pushed my hand away with his metal one. His fingers lingering on my wrist a little longer than needed. For a guy who used to kill for a living, with said metal arm, he had a gentle touch. The metal cool against my skin causing goosebumps to form over my arm.

He looked me in the eyes, they were filled with regret and sadness. I had seen it so many times with grandpa. It was as if they didn't know what they were projecting through their eyes. I sighed and smiled, "Come lie with me?"

"I won't sleep -"

"I know. But, just lie with me? Please?" I stood up and held my hand out to him, "I won't be able to sleep knowing you're like this."

James got up and took my hand. We walked back to the bedroom and lay next to each other. I turned onto my side and looked over to him, he stayed looking up to the ceiling.

"Nanna would tell me how grandpa would wake up in cold sweats when he....travelled back." I sighed, thinking of them both. God, I missed them both.

"I'm glad he went back to her." He smiled

"You are? Thought you'd want to keep him."

Bucky laughed lightly, "he deserved that happiness."

I sat up, leaning onto my elbow and leaning my head on my hand. "And what about you?"

"What about me?" James didn't move. He continued to look up to the ceiling.

"Your happiness." I watched his face as he bit his lip, pretty much refusing to answers. "Why didn't you ask that girl out earlier?"

Jane shook his head and turned his head to look at me, "It doesn't matter."

"Come on, you're a good looking guy. Funny."

"106. A murderer."

"So that's why? You know the right person will be fine with all that. You're not that person anymore." I leaned closer to him so I could see into his eyes a little better. "So next time you go there, ask her out."

"I don't think I will." He gently smiled and stared back into my eyes.

"Why not?"

"It doesn't matter."

"No it does. Why?"

He leaned up on to his elbow, his face close to mine. "You wanna know? You really wanna know?" I nodded, unsure where this was going...

James looked down to my lips before licking his own and leaning in, taking my head in his hands, and his lips met mine with such hunger. All in a matter of seconds. I had never felt anything like it before.

I closed my eyes and fell into the kiss, wanting it to last forever. But James pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine. "Oh....." was all I could muster out.

My breath was caught in my throat, my mind swirling and heart beating against my chest as if it wanted to escape.

"Night Lori." Bucky smiled quickly before moving away, turning over to face away from me and closed his eyes. I, on the other hand, stayed where I was; looking at the back of his head, unsure where to look or what to do next.

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