Part Twenty-One

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I stood in the conference room with governors sat at a long table opposite. It was three days later nad Torres had came by to tell me this was happening, plus to try get the shield back. He knew when he was told that it wasn't going to happen, so he didn't even try. He didn't want to.

"Miss Rogers, we welcome you back." a governor sat in the middle of the line smiled at me. He was an older gentleman, big build, looked like he sat on his ass all day and didn't really understand what an honest days work would entail. 

"Thank you governor." I forced a polite smile

"With regards to the shield -" he looked down at the paperwork in front of him

"With all due respect governor, but I'm not handing it over." I smiled a little wider, getting my point across quickly before he had a chance to ask.

"Steve Rogers gave that shield to -" 

"Sam Wilson."

"The shield is property of -"

"Sam Wilson." I repeated, getting slightly agitated. "Well, technically it's the Starks property as they made it. But it was gifted to my grandfather who gifted it to Sam, who made the wrong choice in handing it over to you."

"Miss Rogers -" his voice was now starting to sound annoyed.

Good. I really didn't care. He had no right to ask me to hand that shield over.

"You can say whatever you like. I will not be handing my grandfathers shield over to you for it to be given to another person. It's not yours." I explained. "It should have stayed with Sam. He made the choice to retire the shield and have it on display in the museum. That is where it should have stayed. If it had, we wouldn't be having this conversation." I smiled

"Miss Rogers -" he repeated, completely tired of me by the sounds of it.

"I will be respecting my grandfathers wishes. Thank you for welcoming me back into the country. I'm very happy I get to call this my home, and I will not be leaving again." I smiled, turned on my heel and walked out the room. 

I got outside to the warm sun and smiled to myself. This was now my home.  

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