Part Sixteen

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The next few days I sat in silence for most of the hours, researching all about witches and siphons. Apparently, it's rare to be a siphon and not always seen as a good thing. Siphons, in history, have used that power for evil. They can drain the life of a human or animal just by their touch if they so wished, using that life for their own immortality, or passing it to another who is close to death. Many used this to live long, youthful lives.

"S'up" Sam stuck his head through the crack in the bedroom door

"Can't talk, reading." I said abruptly, not taking my eyes off the laptop screen. "Did you know it takes a siphon child a year to learn hot to control their powers?" I shot my head up to look at him, "I haven't got a year! Someone's after me now!"

"I know. Me and Buck are here to help you in any way we can."

"It says I can literally kill people with my touch."

"Would you?"

The question took me back. No, of course I wouldn't... would I? Given the opportunity, whoever was after me wouldn't think twice about killing me. So why should I let them live?

"Mal? Would you?" Sam asked again.

I shook the thoughts out my head and looked back over to Sam. "No." I said simply, not completely believing the word.

"Come on. Bucky's gone for a walk. Can I take you somewhere?" Sam smiled with puppy dog eyes.

We arrived at the Smithsonian and walked to grandpas section. So many posters, lights, articles, memorabilia covered the walls, ceilings and floors. I was in complete awe of it all. OF course I know every story, but being here made me feel like an ant; he was a great man and an amazing grandpa. How could I ever live up to his name?

"You know, I've never been here." I smiled as I read over the early years section of grandpas life. His slim frame in the photograph made me smile; nothing about him looks familiar. Except the eyes. Those bright blue eyes that always glittered in the light when he talked about the Avengers, about Sam...about Bucky.

Even though James and I had connected as he put it, I still didn't feel like I have earned the right to call him Bucky. It seemed like such a close, personal nickname and to use it would mean I saw him as my equal. We were not equal. James was much more than I could ever dream to be. He had lived through so much...

"How come?" Sam snapped me back to the real world as we continued to walk around the exhibit.

"I guess when you hear it all from the horse's mouth, kinda pointless." I smirked

We stopped at the Howling Commandos, their uniforms on full display. Of course, I couldn't stop staring at James', imagining him in that, walking into my bedroom.... "He was a great man." Sam, again, pulled me from my thoughts.

"He thought the same about you." I turned and looked at Sam.

Sam looked down at his feet, shuffling them, and his hands in his pockets. "You think he'd be disappointed on me?"

"No." I quickly said, smiling. "He'd understand. But he wouldn't have given you the shield if he thought you couldn't handle it"

"Why don't you have it?" Sam smirked

"No. I'm no Captain America." I laughed and we continued round the room. "Grandpa kept me away for a reason. He didn't want that for me. I just want to live my life. Get married, have kids." I slowly explained.

It was true, that was all I wanted to do in life. I had thought about my own business at one point, but it became a pipe dream. All I really wanted was a family. I never had one before, really. My mum abandoned me, my dad didn't want me, even my grandparents sent me to a different country. And the family I was with? I always felt different and unwanted. So, when I was old enough to move out, I did. And I never looked back. And they never tried to contact me either.

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