Part Ten

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Sharon took us back to her place where we were able to talk properly, but also get changed out of this ridiculous outfit.

"What are you guys doing here then?" Sharon asked while we sat in the main living area.

"Someone's after me." I reply, standing up near the couch where James was sat. "And I wanna know why and who."

"After all these years? Why now?" Sharon stood by her desk and crossed her arms looking directly at me.

I didn't like how calm she was being. I hadn't seen her for at least six years and yet she was not excited to see me? Scared? She knows that my family have been killed and yet she's being so calm.

"Why didn't you call?" I blurted without thinking.

"That doesn't answer my questions..." Sharon shook her head, avoiding answering of course.

"Well, seeing as I just said i didn't know why or who, I thought maybe a question that could be answered needed to be asked." I pursed my lips as I got more and more annoyed at her.

She hadn't changed at all; thinks shes better than me. She always did. We were close at one point, and then, for some reason, it all changed. I'm not sure what happened happened 7 years ago, but she stopped calling, emailing...everything.

Sharon sighed and moved her hair behind her ear, walking over to me, "Mallory, I didn't think -"

"You didn't think I'd want to attend my own grandpas funeral!?" I screamed at her. Yes, that's right. Obviously I knew he had passed, but no one contacted me to tell me where the funeral was. He was amazing to me and always there. I wanted to be there for him. And no one let me know. Well, Sharon didn't let me know seeing as she was the only one who knew I existed.

"It's not safe for you. Your whole family has been killed. I was helping you." Sharon explained with a small smile.

"No. Sam and James have helped me. You've done nothing!" I was starting to completely lose it.

"How's that house?" Sharon crossed her arms again and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Grandpas house."

"My house" She sighed and walked over to the couch, "I bought that house for you. Not him. He left you with nothing."

"Why are you helping her if you've not spoken?" James asked as I watched Sharon sit next to him.

I bit the inside of my cheek and James noticed. He looked back down away from me, but placed his hand on the back of my leg, gently stroking it with his thumb and calming me down.

"She's still family." Sharon looked between the three of us.

"That still doesn't answer who's after her." Sam added from the chair opposite the three of us.

"Or why." James half smiled, looking back up to me for a moment and smirking. His eyes ran over my body and down to my legs before he bit his lip and turned away.

"Does the name Nagel mean anything to you? Selby mentioned him before you killed her." I smiled sarcastically at Sharon.

"No. But I can ask at the party later." She got up and went to walk out the room. "Have fun later. Please don't get in to trouble." Sharon walked out the room and we looked at each other.

"Well, now that family catch up has finished, I'm changing." I smiled and walked away form the boys, James' hand stroking down my leg as I stepped away and out of reach for him.

"You're not going to wear that?" James asked. I turned to see him smirking.

"Bite me, Mr Barnes" I teased and turned back towards the washroom.

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