Part Eighteen

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As the evening drew in, I left the safety of my bedroom to find James. Sam was out back, sitting on the wall, eyes glued to the laptop.

I walked into the living area to see James on the couch by himself.

"Hey." I said softly, biting my lip, worried at what he was going to say.

He didn't say anything at first. Just continued to stare at the floor. He kicked his lips before opening his mouth, "hey."

"So...are you not talking to me now?" I twiddled my fingers, unsure what I had done to us; I didn't want to lose him. The thought of him being anywhere other than with me made me sick. Imagining him finding someone else, touching them, kissing them...

"I am." James finally looked up to me

I sighed, swallowing my pride, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have -"

"I've asked you to call me Bucky before, and you haven't." James cut me off

"ok..." I was confused. Was this why he was mad at me!?

"Unless you've been annoyed."

"oh..." I realised that I had called him Bucky earlier during our little argument.

"It's like you're forcing yourself to call me James."

I sighed and wondered a little closer, "I guess I sort of am. I don't think I've earnt calling you Bucky. even though that's the name grandpa always used, so it's what I want to call you but I just -" I tried to explain.

It was hard to put into words how it felt calling him Bucky. It was the name my grandpa gave him growing up. I hadn't been there, it was their name. Not mine.

"I've told you over and over again -"

"It just seems so personal..and close..." I tried to back up my argument but James was having none of it.

"I don't think we can get any closer." he chuckled

I laughed along, realising that there really wasn't any closer we could get. "I'm sorry. I'll try remember." I stood for a moment, thinking back to the argument and swallowing my pride yet again... "I'm also sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it."

James...I mean, Bucky, smiled and reached out for my hands, pulling me to straddle his lap. He pulled me in close and kissed me softly.

"So you forgive me?" I asked, leaning my forehead against his.

Bucky moved back towards me, leaving a delicate kiss on my cheek, "Always."

He then pressed his lips against mine

"Not mad at me?"

Bucky smiled, grabbing my thighs as he stood up. I wrapped my arms around his neck for added safety as he walked towards the bedroom.

"Never." Bucky kicked the bedroom door closed behind him before lying my down on the bed. "I'm classing that as our first fight." He smirked wickedly, looking me up and down, "so that means one thing."

Bucky kissed down my neck, licking my collarbone and biting down gently to leave a small bruise. "Make up sex?" I tried to hide my excitement but I'm sure Bucky could tell

"Make up sex." Bucky repeated in a husky whisper. His hands getting to work removing my jeans while I pulled my top over my head.

Bucky pulled my underwear off with my jeans and tossed them to the side. Standing up, he removed his own clothes before settling between my legs, wrapping them around his waist. His hand travelled down my body, stopping at that sensitive spot. Bucky's fingers went to work, gently rubbing the bundle of nerves and sliding one finger in.

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