Part Twenty-Seven

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My body tingled all over with the power from Buckys arm. I let go and looked over to Sharon, my emotions were dialled up and all I wanted to do was kill her... but I couldn't.

"Go on then Mallory" Sharon shrugged, obviously reading my face like a pro. She scoffed, "You havent got the-"

I shot an energy ball in her direction, causing her to fall backwards, the wind knocked out of her and unable to stand.

I knelt down beside her, moving her blonde hair out her face, "What was that? I didn't quite hear you."

I stood back up, turning on my toe and accidentally kicking some dirt and stone into Sharon's face.

The boys were already in full-on fight mode. I brought my hands up, focusing on the energy surging through my body, firing energy spheres at those that I could.

My stomach turned, feeling as if I was going to throw up; I hadn't used this much power so quickly before and it was taking its toll.

My shots became less effective and Sam noticed. "Mallory, you're going to have to run."

I looked over to Bucky as he threw one towards a wall, "we'll catch up."

I bolted through the dust and gunfire to reach Bucky, grabbing him round the neck and kissing him hard; I was too scared not to incase I didn't see him again.

We broke away, breathing heavy. His hands resting on my waist, "I promise I'll be right behind you."

I mumbled OK before turning and running as quick as I could away from everything and everyone. Unfortunately, someone caught up, firing bullets in my directions from behinds luckily they weren't a good shot.

I turned and fired a bolt at them, throwing myself slightly backwards with the force. It missed and I had to regain control of my feet. Whoever it was wore a purple hood so I couldn't see their face. They stopped a little away from me and shot again. I fired another ball and hit the bullet, exploding both in mid air.

I covered my head as the blast knocked me off my feet. I looked up but couldn't see anything through smoke and dirt.

To play it safe, I scrambled back up and ran again making it to the old mill. It hadn't been used for years, nothing in it worked, not even a light bulb.

I looking around the room and tried to stay as quiet as possible. I couldn't hear or see anything, so I slid down a wall and tried to catch my breath. I was that tired and out of breath I honestly thought I would be sick.

Zemo suddenly appeared to the side of me and pointed his gun, taking a shot but missing me ever so slightly, hitting the wall next to my head. It was as if he did it on purpose. Like he wanted me to fight back.

I jumped back up and tried to use some magic but nothing was working. I had ran out. "This is the worst magical power to have." I mumbled to myself, completely annoyed at my magic for the first day since I got it. I looked round and there was nothing to siphon anything from...

Zemo carried on shooting.

I felt a dull, sharp pain hit my stomach. I feel over a table, taking it with me and sat behind it trying to shield myself a little from Zemos bullets.

Looking down, before I even moved my hand, I saw the blood drip out and between my fingers. I could feel the bullet lodged inside me, my muscles and blood pumping around it; the bullet was luckily holding in the majority of the blood.

"Come on Mallory." Zemos voice echoed around the brick walls.

It was the first time I had ever heard it; it was a thick accent I believed I heard he was Sokovian like Wanda... I wish I had asked to meet her now. Maybe she could have helped me with this magic. I wish I had.

"Come on. It will only hurt a little." His voice got closer. "We can't have super soldiers running about the world, doing as they please..."

I heard more footsteps and wood creaking, breaking, and hitting the stone floor. I hoped it was Sam and Bucky, lucky for me it was. I dared to look around the table, but could see them every so often in a broken mirror lying against the opposite wall.

They disappeared for a few moments and then silence. I took a deep breath, holding on tighter to my stomach, peered round the barricade and saw both boys lying on the floor. Both bleeding for various cuts and bruises on their face and arms. They looked completely worn out.

"Come out come out." Zemo said in a singsong voice appearing to the right of a machine and rounded it to face me.

Buckys face turned to look at me, "run Mallory. Get out!" He spy out some blood, trying to get up, but Zemo kicked him in the face and Bucky fell back down.

I swiftly moved back round the table, hand over my mouth not to scream. I held back the tears as I wondered what to do next... I could see no escape. I wasn't at full strength thanks to the bullet lodged inside me....

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