Part Twenty-Two

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I stayed at Sam's place for a couple of days to get him used to the shield. We had been out back for most of the sun light, throwing it about and getting a good feel of it.

"You're throwing it wrong." I sighed as he caught the shield on rebound.

"How can I throw it wrong?" Sam was just as annoyed as I was. It was day six with the damn shield, and no Bucky.

He hadn't contacted either of us since he just disappeared from mine. I had no idea where he had gone, or who he was with; I didn't even know if he was dead!

"You're not feeling it. Watch."

I took the shield off him and felt the metal in my hands. I still hadn't got used to holding it, the closest thing I had to him. I turned it over in my hands and placed it on my arm. I looked at the tree in the distance, throwing the shield with force over to it. The shield stuck in the tree and I smiled.

"I just dont get how I can feel a lump of metal. I do it exactly how Steve -"

"OK that, that right there! That's what's holding you back. It's more than a lump of metal." I walked over to the shield and pulled it out with ease and stood back next to Sam, "also, don't think of what Steve did. Feel it, focus on it. And get your own personality to it. Trust me, once you do that, it'll all fall into place."

I passed the shield back over to Sam and he threw it again but when it returned, it flew passed us and to Bucky.

"Hey stranger. Where have you been the passed few days?" Sam asked, crossing his arms over his chest and standing tall.

"I had something to do." Bucky smiled weakly at the two of us.

I wanted to scream at him, but we weren't dating. We weren't joined at the hip. If he wanted to go off, days on end, and not contact us, then that's up to him.

"I'll get us some beers." I smiled and walked back to the house, leaving the boys to talk.

"She's right you know." Bucky passed the shield back to Sam and stood with his hands in his pocket as Sam threw it again.

"I know. It still feels like someone else's. Steve's. Hers. Yours. Anyone but me." Sam sighed and caught the shield coming back but hurt his shoulder as he did.

"It isn't anyone else's. It's yours Sam. Get used to it." Bucky smiled and looked down at the shield.

So many memories were attached to that shield. Even the person; Steve was everything to Bucky. Before Captain America, Steve was his closest friend and someone who he relied on daily, even if Steve didn't know it.

Yeah Bucky played the confident lad about town, but, honestly, he needed to be. He was taller and wider than Steve, and Steve had a habit of getting into fights. He'd never back down, no matter how bloody and bruised he was. Bucky had to step in at times to stop it so Steve didn't end up being killed. Bucky helped him hide bruises and cuts from Steve's parents as he knew they'd go spare if Steve was in a fight.

And when they passed, Steve spiralled further into fighting and proving he didn't need anyone. Which made Bucky more protective of his slim friend. He promised to always be there for him until they couldn't any more.

Even though that promise was made 70 years ago and he thought his due would have been spent by now, they were still in his heart. Without even questioning it, when Mallory turned up at his door and he looked into her eyes, he felt that pain in his chest, he felt that need to protect. Every feeling he had whenever he looked at young Steve.

He had a feeling Mallory was going to be the exact same as her grandfather, and he was right. She was scared when they met. But after they found out about the serum and it kicked in, she didn't need him. Just like Steve didn't need him. Just another Rogers that needed help, then who would end up leaving him. Right?

Bucky sighed and looked down at the shield beige up to Sam, "That sheild's, the closest thing I've got left to family."

"What about Mallory?" Sam asked, putting Bucky on the spot before throwing the shield and it going back to Bucky.

"I don't know. We've not talked about it." Bucky passed the shield back to Sam.

"You think maybe you should?"

"Probably." Bucky looked down, not wanting to say the next three words, but he knew he needed to put himself out there if he was going to find out. "But I'm scared."

"Why?" Sam frowned, confused.

"I really like her."

Sam smiled at his friends vulnerability. He never thought Bucky as someone who would be scared of something as trivial as this; he fought in so many wars, so many fights, that surly nothing could scare him.

"I promise you, she's scared too. For the exact same reason."

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