Part Fifteen

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My eyes finally fluttered open to James' concerned face above mine, "bit close there."

"Thank God you're awake." James sighed, his face relaxing.

"Was I out long?" I tried to sit up but both boys pushed me back down.

"Just a few minutes. You OK?" Sam asked, leaning over the back of the couch.

I nodded, making me realise a cold compress was on my forehead. I moved my hand to stop it from falling and placed it back straight. "What happened?"

"You don't know?" James asked, holding my hand and stroking it gently. I shook my head in response and looked between the two of them. James cleared his throat before talking again, "you let go and your eyes .... they glowed. Bright blue."

"You're having a laugh, right?" I laughed at them both. They were having me on....right? They both shook their heads and my smile fell.

"Do you....feel different?" Sam asked

"Not really. My hand's a little sore." I raised my right hand, the hand I had been holding James' metal one, and scrunched it a few times. It was tingling, like I had fallen asleep on it

I thought about James hand in mine.

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