Part Twelve

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The next day, we woke early to find Nagel. We ventured out in the car and I could hardly keep my eyes open, leaning on James' shoulder and catching a few extra minutes.

We pulled up at the dock and got out. Sharon walked us round the crates and stopped outside one, "This is apparently where he is. I'll leave you guys to it."

Sharon walked away as Sam opened up a storage crate. I watched her leave before joining the boys inside.

"It's empty. She's wrong, whoever told her is wrong." Sam shook his head and paced.

I leaned back on the back wall and felt a cold breeze on my arm. "HAng on..." I frowned, turning round and looking at the wall a little better. I found a small hole, about the size for a finger, an put mine in, pulling away from the corner. The wall slide open to reveal a set of stairs.

The three of us looked confused at each other and walked up the stairs. I guess this was a good hiding spot if someone didn't want to be found. We got to the top and James stopped me going any further. He pulled out his gun and took a few steps ahead of me, Sam stayed behind me pulling his gun out too.

We crept in to the lab, test tubes and liquid containers were everywhere. No space was safe, every table had something on top, every wall had something attached. Shelving floor to ceiling of boxes too. We carried on in and found a guy with his back to us in the far corner. I stopped and Sam took a few more steps to stand near James.

"Dr Nagel?" Sam asked.

The guy jumped slightly and turned round to face us. "Who are you?" he was younger than I imagined, jumpy and greying, but young in the face. He couldn't have been much older than 40.

"Sam Wilson." Sam nodded and lowered his gun slightly, "I've come to ask you a few questions."

"You're not police, I don't have time for this." Nagel took off his gloves and turned to walk away from SAm but then spotted me standing a little further away. The colour on Nagels face drained. He swallowed hard, unsure where to look or what to do.

"I take it from that look, you know who she is." James continued to point his gun at Nagel. He nodded in response nad looked down to the floor.

"So let's talk." Sam grabbed him by the arm and moved him to a corner where he couldn't escape, not until he had answered our questions at least.

Nagel kept looking down at the floor, every so often he peered up and over to me but quickly looking away when he noticed James staring him down. "Not many people know of her. Just a few."

"How does anyone know about me? I was never talked about." I said, looking at Nagel, wanting him to look at me and tell me straight what is going on. It was too confusing how this guy, someone I never met, knew about me and knew who was after me.

"That's not entirely true." he finally looked up completely and stared at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I've already said too much. I can't -" Nagel started to say but James sighed, lowering his gun slightly and walking over to Nagel. He grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling on his shirt and over to a chair. James pushed Nagel down to sit on the chair and held the gun to his head.

"James?" I asked, shocked at this sudden change in him. "What are you -"

"Why is anyone after her?" James interrupted, but Nagel didn't respond.

James clenched his jaw out of frustration, just like me. I was fed up of this guy already; you know me so just tell me!

I looked over to Sam who looked cool and calm; they really were chalk and cheese. Sam never showed his emotions out right, you had to dig down a little for them. James on the other hand, his eyes gave him away every time. You could tell how he was feeling just by looking in them... most the time he was annoyed.

I was snapped out my thoughts by James firing the gun. I jumped at the loud bang and looked over, scared incase I saw something I didn't want to. Thankfully no one was shot, he had fired a shot behind Nagel. I'm guessing to scare him. And it worked.

Nagel took a deep breath, "It's believed the serum passes down to the next generations. Your father had the serum in his DNA when he was killed."

"And then they killed my brother."

"You had a brother?" James asked

"Half brother. My parents weren't ever really together. I was about 4 when my dad married Linda. They had a baby just before I moved to England. I saw him in pictures but never met him." I held back the tears. "They were shot. Point blank. Joey was 16."

"That was....13 years ago?" Sam asked, quickly doing the math.

"Yeah. Why I thought I was safe." I shuffled my feet, thinking of the reason why I was now here. "Nothing happened for years. And then one day I found a bug in my flat. I packed up what I could and left. My flat exploded that night. Gas leak, apparently. I jumped on a plane and came to find you guys, just like grandpa said."

I hadn't told anyone that happened. It still scares me to this day; what if I hadn't found that bug when I did? I would have been home when it blew up. I wouldn't be here today.

Sam looked down to the floor, unsure what to say next. James looked me in the eyes, sorrow and pain behind them.

"They believed your brother was the last of it. They thought that was the end. But then they caught wind of you. And your mother." Nagel interrupted my thoughts

"What? What about her?" I asked. I knew nothing about my mum. People said I looked like her, but I had no clue I'd they were telling the truth or not. I couldn't remember her at all.

"Apparently she was a witch." Nagel shrugged, not taking his eyes off me.

"A witch?" Sam sounded just as shocked and confused as I was.

"How do you know all this?" I drowned, looking between all the boys. A witch? She cousins have been!

"People talk. All rumours of course. Only a few believe the stories. The super soldier siphon."

"Siphon? What? How do you... how do you know?" I stuttered, completely befuddled by what was coming out of his mother. Not only was I super soldier, but a witch as well!? No... it just doesn't make sense...

"I..... I can't say." Nagel stuttered, looking down to the floor. James pressed the gun harder against Nagels temple. He got the hint, looking up to James he said the one name I didn't want to hear, "Sharon Carter."

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