Chapter 1

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A long time ago in ancient times...
"We must hurry there coming" Aine rushes through the trees with four others behind her following in a rush. The gifted were being attacked by the soul less, one's without a soul taken by an evil force yet to be discovered.

    The four elements and one with the ability to control everything. Aine the goddess of nature,Aeouls goddess of fire,Iara goddess of water,Ankhiale God of air,and pollux god of telekinesis.

     "Where are they? I don't see them" Ankhiale asks looking around the almost pitch Black Forest it was green a beautiful green,but with the way everyone was feeling and what was happening it was gloomy. "I'm not sure but we don't have time we must get the spell ready" Pollux speaks he brings out a big book with ancient lettering on the cover.

     They look around worried and sad,it was going to be the last time they see each other. They know they'll meet again but not until centuries later. They will to be killed by the soulless and they knew it they came up with a plan to transfer there power to five special kids. Of course there's going to be gifted children all over the world who will have the same abilities,but five kids will be stronger. Unstoppable even...they are a spawn of the elements and the mind bender.

     Pollux opens the book and turns to the 30th page he skims the page of ancient lettering. A twig snaps they turn there head towards the direction of the sound. "We must hurry" Iara speaks they each grab there hands and speak in a fluent elegant manner "We shall grant these powers to five special kids,they shall be a spawn of us and shall be grateful for there abilities. We all shall met in centuries time, we will meet again shall these five kids be protected" they finish the spell.

There powers drain out of them and float into the air and circle around them. Green,blue,white,red,and black combine and shot up into the air to be stored until it's time for them to be granted to the special five.

     After the lights disappear there surrounded by soulless. Skin boiling on there body bubbles that pop with steam, they get ready for battle. Soon enough they were fighting the soul less.
Aine POV
     It has come the time we know we're going to die, it's not a lie. The powers have already been transported now all that's left for us to do is draw our swords and fight. We must fight the soul less who do have there powers there a mix.

     We don't know who created them all we know is that they have different powers. I slice through the soulless who come my way and try to attack. They seem not prepared and un organized with there powers. I feel a sharp pain in my chest I look down to see a sword with my blood on it. "Goodbye my brothers and sisters" I fall to ash
Aeouls POV
We have lost my sister nature now it's us four. I try to use a power move but remembering there gone I get knocked down by a soulless. I punch him and draw my sword and stab him I get knocked down again and get stabbed through the stomach I feel myself turn to ash. "Good bye my family" I turn to Pollux "Goodbye my love" and I turn to a pile of ash.
Iara POV
     I fall to my knees in pain not from being attacked but from being in emotional pain. The loss of my brothers and sisters are here loosing them will hurt but I know I'll see them centuries later. I lay on the floor waiting for my fate happen it was going to happen one way or another. "Goodbye to my beautiful family" I turn to ash.
Ankhiale POV
     I try to use my powers but it's not working I hate that it's not working. It has to work,I need to protect the last one. I was trying so hard to do it but it wasn't working I fall to my knees and cry. "It's not working Pollux I'm sorry" I felt a sharp pain in my head and I turn to ash.
Pollux POV
     I was last I was the finale one.I got trampled by the soulless the last one I lost the love of my life Aeouls he was kind,caring and had the most beautiful green eyes. Something stabs my legs I groan in pain something snaps in me I yell and the soulless go flying back wards. A black color comes from my hands, I lift them up and pull them down hard the soulless that began to run towards me flew back.

     I lift a brach and throw it at a group they get crushed black liquid and smoke erupting from there body. I stomp my foot and the trees shake and screams of soulless erupt. "Turn around" I hear a voice I turn towards it and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I gasp and fall and turn to a pile of ash.

     Now the four elements and the mind benders powers must be held waiting for the perfect five to be born. Once there born they will be give these powers to protect and save. They will learn about there fate when they go to the School of the Gifted or for short Gifted.
Hope y'all like this chapter I'm actually rlly excited for this book. I have some good ideas for it and if ur new go ahead and check out my other books. And vote bye y'all!!!!

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