Chapter 14

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     The eight exit the plane and take in the site in front of them. It was beautiful breathtaking even "I'll be out shortly I must take care of a few things" Romeo closes the door to the black airplane. They look at each other confused... "Something feels off" Lauren mumbles to herself.

"What do you mean?" Normani questions Lauren. "I don't know but I just don't trust him somethings off" Lauren takes out the ear piece given to her by Shawn and puts it in her ear. Two seconds later they hear Shawns voice.

     "Lauren what up? Are y'all in Greece? How's Mari doing?" Shawn asks Lauren. Everyone listens then goes wide eyed "W-Who's Marie?" Matilda questions everyone now having there ear piece in. "She's the one who was supposed to stay with you while you where there...she's supposed to be flying the plane. Didn't she tell y'all?" Shawn asks confused.

"Wait- then who's Romeo?" Grayson shots a confused look at his friends. "That name sounds familiar hold on let me check something" there was a moment of silence and shuffling of paper in the back ground. Then a gasp "I need you guys to get out of there right now" a Shawn rushes "What? Shawn who is he" they ask "He works with Adam and Lucy" Shawn finally says leaving the group of friends shocked.

     Just then the door opens revealing Romeo who didn't have the same sweet smile,instead it was a smirk and evil smirk. "Why the long faces?" He chuckles the sky begins to roar and lightning appears he smiles. "Do you love thunder? Because I do" thunder strikes behind him as he smiles. "Come on now let's have some fun before my boss comes" he chuckles.

     He lifts a fist in the air thunder hitting his hand,he doesn't flinch. The eight step back wondering how they where going to fight back on top of a building that's in the sky. One could fall of can crush to there death or be struck by lightning either way it was a risk.

     "You don't have to do this.." Arena try's to reason with him. "Of course I have too..I need the money and the power's gonna be ok if you just come with me." He calms a little and slightly smiles. "Where are you going to take us?" Camila asks him.

     "We're just going to wait in the airplane until Adams comes. He'll be here shortly we just have to wait,I just don't want to hurt y'all" he lowers his hand. He cares Dinah thought but somethings controlling his actions. "Romeo look at me" Romeo turns his head to Dinah. He relaxes then tenses "Your the enemy! YOU ALL ARE" he yells another lighting bolts shoot down all around them as they jump back trying not to get hit.

"Are y'all ok?" They hear Shawn through the ear piece. "Yes Shawn but hold on I'm gonna try something" Camila responds,everyone looks at her confused. "Ok Thor calm down it's going to be ok" Camila jokes he chuckles. Camila lifts her hand a red low glow comes out of her hand, Romeo try's to move but he can't. He looks up and see Camila coming towards him.

"What- what are you doing" he questions her she ignores his question and puts her hand on his forehead. A glow comes out of her hand he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head. He looks at Camila confused "Who are y'all? What's going on?" Camila moves her hand from his forehead and smiles.

"Come on let's explain to him what's going on" she grabs his arm and drags him up the stairs to the door of the airplane. Camilas friends follow her they all take a seat "Ok so is your name really Romeo?" Lauren starts he nods his head. "Ok so you where under mind control do you know anyone by the name of Adams?" Camila asks after Lauren his eyes wide. "Yes of course he's one of my friends the last I remember I was him being mad at me. He talked about gaining powers from a group of five. I don't quite remember all of it" he tells them.

      "Ok so we're going to need your help with something... are you up for it?" Camila asks already having a plan,he nods his head. "We're going to need you to continue to act like your are under his mind control. Once you do that then you will report to us. Also do you know a Marie?" Camila quirks an eyebrow. "That name sounds familiar" he stands up and walks to the front of the plane and gasps "OMG" he yells

      "Over here" he calls they get up and run over. Arena is the first to go to see a dismembered body sitting in the seat next to the captains seat. She screams and turns to a Matilda who was next to her staring in shock,she crushes her in a hug hiding her head in her neck. Lauren turns around and goes wide eyed,Camila gasps and try to suppress a scream.  Normani stands in fear and Shock Dinahs body shakes. "What are we going to do?" Dinah's says above a whisper still in shock.

     "Did I do that?" Romeo questions the friends they look at him. He was to kind he wouldn't have done that even under mind control. Camila shakes her head at the man "No Romeo you didn't" she brings the crying man into a hug. "We need to leave her here and leave we'll come back for her, and when we do we give her a funeral." Lauren tells her friends as they nod. "Remember what we told you have my number so you can report to us" Camila sniffles taking out a pen.

     "Lift your shirt" she orders he looks confused she chuckles "it's so Adams doesn't see" he nods his head lifting his shirt Camila writes down her number. They hug him goodbye and wonder off trying not to come in contact with Adams and Lucy.

     They walk inside the building and see works there. They were mumbling and walking like zombies out of a movie Camila gets a call. She answers "Hello?" She whispers "Camila Adams texted me saying he was at the building already you need to hide. Be safe" he hangs up. "What happened?" Lauren whispers as they try hiding behind a door. "Adams and maybe Lucy are already here" she whispers back to Lauren.

     She pushes on her ear piece "Shawn how fast can you hack the building we're in?" She asks with a whisper. "Yes finally! I think it's gonna take two minutes..why what do you need?" He asks her "Hack the building and turn off the lights we would do it but he's here so you have too." Camila tells him as the group of friends go into a room and try to hide. "We can't have him seeing us it'll cause a distraction enough time for us to leave" Camila explains to him as she hears typing on the other end.

     "Oh yes of course I got glade I can trace y'alls location" he mumbles the last part as he concentrates. "Ok got it" with Shawns words the lights go out just with a ding of an elevator. "Who's there?" They hear a familiar voice call out it was Adam.

The eight friends stay still hoping to not be seen. They hear walking and there breathing, they hear the door out to the roof open and close. "Ok Shawn then them on" the lights turn on and the eight friends get out of there hiding spot and head towards the elevator.
Hope you all liked this chapter!! Srry it took a while I was busy but I'm back now and ready to get to writing!!!

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