Chapter 11

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"Camila you need to breath" Dinah warns Camila was having a panic attack. It was common for her to but never as bad as she was having it right now. "I'm- trying" she stuttered through the crying and shaky breaths. Camila walked around back and forth shaking her hands not knowing what to do,she sits next to Lauren "We're going to give you two some alone time Lauren try to help" Normani drags Dinah and Ally follows close behind.

"Hold me please" Camila speaks to Lauren barely above a whisper but Lauren heard. Lauren gets off the chair and takes a seat on the floor grabbing Camilas hand she brings her in front of her body. Camilas back pushes up against her front and Lauren squeezes her "it's going to be ok just take some deep breaths...Shawn is already looking through the information and getting a plan ready. Just calm down" Lauren whispers to Camila.

Grayson had told Shawn that they needed to see him so he went to the training room. He was told the new information and he needed to help come up with a plan. Shawn didn't have a problem with that he was smart so it shouldn't take long, but Camila was stressing herself out. Different problems and different scenarios running through her head she soon realized it was getting hard to breath. After a while of deep breaths and reassurance from Lauren Camila was feeling better and exhausted.

The three girls had soon came back with some food. "I think we should sleep we haven't gotten enough sleep considering whats been going on" Ally suggests they nod in agreement Camila didn't feel like talking so she just sat there "I'll tell Shawn we're going to sleep" Dinah gets up and goes to find Shawn. Lauren runs circles on Camilas back as a reassurance shes there for Camila. Dinah comes back with a bag of hot Cheetos Camila sends a questioning eyebrow to her friend "Oh come on don't give me that look" Camila laughs a little.

"If you don't mind me asking can we all sleep in the same room? I just want to be around y'all" Camilas voice comes out hoarse and a little shaky "I mean why not" Ally adds the others agreeing. They finish eating and get up to head to there rooms given a number by Shawn they walk in and see only two twin size beds. "How are we going to fit?" Normani asked.

"Shawn said there's more than enough rooms for us to use,we'll just take the beds we need and put them together." Lauren responds "But how are we going to get the beds over here?" Ally adds with a questioning gaze "I'll do it" Camila answers this time more confident than she had been feeling before. "Are you sure?" Dinah raise an eyebrow Camila nods and tells them to back up so she can do her thing.

Camila walks to the door across from them,thank god Shawn gave them a room where there wasn't to many students. She waves her hand and the door opens she walks in and lifts a bed with her hand and carefully,puts it in the room next to the bed the girls had put together. She gets the other and puts it next to the other Camila felt proud,she loved using her powers it made her feel lucky and so powerful. It's the thing in her life that she can control and have control over it made her feel at peace.

After everything was settled they laid down and got ready to fall asleep. Ally was in the middle,Normani,Dinah on her left and Camila with Lauren on the right. It was quite but it wasn't awkward it was a peaceful quite..Lauren was thinking about how long it's been and realized it was a second month into school. She goes wide eyed "Guys it's already the second month into school" they gasp at Lauren's words "No way" Dinah sits up a little "Yes way holy shit we didn't even know it went by fast" Lauren gets a little more comfortable next to Camila who was wrapping her arm around Lauren's waist.

Everyone feel asleep so peacefully and comfortable for the first time in a long time. But all of that was soon to be changed and interrupted "GUYS YOU NEED TO SEE THIS" Shawn burst through the door with wide eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept but that wasn't what was causing him to have his wide eyes. "Shawn what the hell" Dinah grumbled "Y'all need to see this like now it's important. Meet me in my room in twenty don't be late" he closes the door and goes to what there guessing his room.

     The girls grumble and mumble things they can't quite hear as they get dressed. Once they dress and brush there teeth looking more presentable they walk to Shawns room. They knock "Come in" Shawn responds they open the door and see him typing away. They walk deeper into the room and hear three familiar laughs it was Grayson,Arena,and Matilda all laughing at some joke. "Hey guys what are y'all doing here?" Ally hugs the group of kids the four others following Ally's actions. "There my little minions" Shawn laughs.

     "Yeah we're trying to look for a name to call ourselves" Arena says they nod and they get to thinking. "Grayson wanted 'helpers' but Arena and I said it sounds like something out of a rated r movie" Matilda laughs and high fives Arena. The five laugh Shawn joins in Grayson rolls his eyes but soon laughs too"how about the trouble three?" Camila questions they hum satisfied "But why trouble three?" Grayson asks calming down from his fit of laughter.

     "Because I feel like you three are going to be helping us a lot, and cause a bit of trouble only if y'all are up for it?" Camila questions giving a hopeful stare they nod enthusiastically Arena speaks "Well duh" she says sarcastically "And plus after what Shawn just told us y'all are gonna need a lot of help" Matilda adds. The five make an oh sounds and remember why there really there. It was common for them to forget "Oh yes right ok are y'all ready?" Shawn asks "Of course now what did you fine?" Dinah asks eagerly.
Y'all the next chapter will have all the tea so don't even worry!!!! Don't forget to vote and share this story byeeeeee!!!!!

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