Chapter 10

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The kids where still in the cafeteria of the underground cave. The students where confused and shocked as expected,Shawn was nervous on how he was going to control a bunch of students..but with Shawn being Shawn he had some ideas.

"Ok Shawn there all yours but we need to see someone" Camila pats Shawn shoulder "Yeah sure what ever you and your friends need go ahead" she smiles grateful at him he returns the smile. "Ok so before we get started on what we need from you all I'm gonna need to see Grayson and his friends" Camila says through the mic Grayson gets up with other two students that rise from there seats.

     "Hey Grayson we're gonna need your help" Ally hugs the boy who hugs her "Ok I'm going to be separating you all right now by your powers. I'm going to need the elements in the four corners first the rest come on stage" Shawn speaks through the mic getting started on his plan.

     "Ok Grayson,Arena,and Matilda come with us" Lauren who had already learned there names takes them off stage. They walk by the training room where they had placed a dead Lucy, when they walk in there's no body. "Y'all I know I ain't crazy but I don't see a body here and I didn't move it" Dinah tells the group of friends who are just as shocked.

     "I didn't move it either" Mani also states as she looks at the empty spot of the mat where Lucy had been laying. There's a small pile of blood and a little trail that heads out the room and it's cut off..but still no Lucy. "I'll be right back" Camila tells the friends running off to Dean Adams office. As Camila walks in she doesn't see Adams anywhere Camila breaths in and out trying to calm her rapid beating heart. Camila was scared and nervous as to where they could have gone or be.

     Camila leaves the room and goes to her friends "No Adams anywhere" everyone sigs and try thinking of a plan. "Um-I think we all need a bit of an explanation" Grayson tells the group of friends who suddenly remember what they needed the three kids for. "Oh right ok so what are your elements?" Lauren asks the three kids "I'm fire abled" Grayson responds "I'm a teleport abled" Matilda goes after and then it was Arena "I'm telekinesis abled" Arena responds earring a high five from Camila.

     "Ok so as you know Lucy and Adams are not the good people we know but we trust you three. We need you three to look through his office at collect all his suspicious paperwork or files on his computer got it?" Dinah tells them the plan. "Ok got it" They say in union "Be careful" Mani warns they nod and run off.

The three kids run up the stairs to Adams office, they began to rummage through the mess Arena hacks his computer.

    "What do you think happened?" Arena asks her friends as she types away on the computer. "To be honest I'm not sure but I feel that there involved in the school attack..." Matilda mentally slaps herself she sees Arena flinch. They lost there other two friends Ryan and Regan...she was close with both.

     "I'm sorry I keep-" Shes was cut off by Arena "Don't worry D I'm gonna be ok" Arena smiles at her Matilda smiles at the Nick name Arena gave her. "Gray you've been quite what's wrong?" Arena noticing the quietness of her friend "He was involved it's all here in this folder" hurriedly he looks through all the papers with a smile grateful he found something.

"No way hold on let me find something on the computer first" Arena types away even faster as she looks through the the files. Her eyes widen at the site "" Arena whispers "Wait what's wrong?" Matilda asks "I swear if it's a D picture I'm going to cry" Matilda warns Arena shakes her no "He's been watching her" Arena scrolls to what seems to be a long page of something. "Watching who? Arena we need details" he gestures her hands to hurry up "He's been watching Camila ever since she was practically born..he has pictures of her using her powers and some with her friends" Arena just keeps staring at the screen.

     Her two friends come behind her and go wide eyed at the pictures that where on the screen.

At the time this was happening in the training room the,five friends where trying to figure out where the hell Lucy and Adams went.

"The bitch literally disappeared" Dinah remarks looking at the spot Lucy was at. "She obviously got up and left with Adams" mani rolled her eyes Dinah and her had been going at it for almost two minutes.

    "Y'all we found something you might want to see" Matilda and her two friends ran behind her with the folder and a flash drive. "What did you find?" Camila approach's them her friends following close behind. "It's actually pretty crazy you see this folder?" Arena waves it they nod. "Well you see it has everything from the attack and what they did with the kids who died. It has what they did with the powers and where they plan to attack next." Arena handed the folder over.

     "And this drive has pictures of you since you where little and pictures of you growing up and some with your friends. He was fucking stalking you this whole time since you got to Gifted.." Grayson told Camila and her friends about the drive. Camila took it from him and looked at it "Thank you guys y'all did great now I need you three to go with Shawn, ask him what y'all need to do now and be careful. Tell us if you see anything strange" Camila hugs them along with her friends "Oh and tell Shawn we need to see him after y'all are done" Lauren tells them they nod and leave.

     Lauren sees how uncomfortable Camila was she brought her into a hug,Camila hugs her back.

Hope y'all hoe like this chapter 😤🙏 talk to y'all later byeeee!! Oh and vote for chapter!!!!

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