Chapter 16

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Dean Riley and Michael rush into the office faces showing worry and fear even though they won't admit it. "Ok students please come into my office and not a word until we're there" he walks off not giving a second look to the confused kids.

The kids stand in Michaels's office on the wall he takes a seat in his chair taking a deep breath he begins "what the hell is happening?" He looks up to the group of five in his office, Riley stands behind him. "Well we found out some information I thought you should know... we're warning all the deans and headmistress of the following information" Camila speaks up as she sees her friends won't say anything.

"Ok well what is happening?.." he asks Camila clears her throat. "A month ago we were attacked by the soulless we didn't know who it was until we realized we were betrayed by a person we thought was our friend..and well the Dean. We looked into it and it turns out he was the one behind it the whole time, he was friends with the gods and the powerful. Lucy the one who betrayed us and Adams disappeared not sure where they went but now we learned he is planning on taking the powers from the students and Turing then into soulless." Camila finishes.

"I thought we got rid of him" Michael turns to look at Riley who looked terrified. "Me too I guess not" the group of friends look at each other worried glances thrown left and right. Camila was getting nervous with the silence in the room she finally had time to think. She has stressed the fate of life's depended on her and her friends. Lauren seemed to notice the nervousness on Camila's face she grabs her hand in hers locking their fingers. She turns and whispers in her ear "It'll be over soon don't worry" she kisses her temple. Camila cuddles into her arm and closes her eyes not even two seconds later Michael speaks.

"We're going to send out a broadcast to all the deans and headmistresses out there who rule the gifted out there around the world. Right now I need your help to get the students to safety I have a feeling something is going to be happening soon" Michael gets up Riley and the group of friends following close behind.

The Dean gets on the intercom and speaks "Students of gifted please report to your dorm rooms grab ALL of your needs clothes and everything. We will be going to the emergency bunker do NOT freak out and try not to make much noise. Teachers will be around to help you I will be explaining everything as soon as your safe." He moves his finger and sighs. He can see kids running in the halls to their dorms.

"Ok children follow me we must get to the emergency bunker" the kids follow him out of the office Riley stays behind and pull a large sword out of her desk. She leaves to the back the group of friends make their way through the halls trying not to bump into kids who have nervous or scared looks on their faces. Camila and Lauren still hand and hand bump into students and get held back from the group of friends and Michael.

"Holy shit sorry," the girl says as she picks up her pencil that fell.

"Oh, it's you hi again Camila," Sofi says.

"Oh hi sorry for bumping into you" She apologizes.

"It's ok don't worry about it" Sofi glances down at Camila and Lauren's hands "Ahh I see"

"See what?" Lauren questions.

"Y'all are dating" Sofi smiles widely.

"Oh no we're-" Lauren was cut off by another voice "Sofi comes one" Sofi turns around and sees her friends "Oh got to go sorry bye" Sofi waves and runs off to her friends.

Camila and Lauren just walked off to try to catch up with their friends. Camila breaks the silence "What are we?" She asks sorta regretting it. "What do you want to be?" Lauren questions back Camila thinks.

     She liked Lauren no doubt the way she would take care of her, the way she would hold her hand, and just overall protect and take care of her made her feel safe. And she was stunning so what was there not to like? "I like you Lauren like a lot" Camila turns her head to hide her blush. "Well, it's that lovely I like you too" Camila turns her head to look at Lauren and smiles. "How about this..when this whole situation is over I take you on a date. And we see what happens from there" Lauren waits for an answer she tries to hide her nervousness. "I would love that" Camila smiles.

     "Perfect let's catch up to our friends" Lauren kisses her cheek and drags her to catch up to her friends who were chatting with Michael and what he was going to say. "Ok just say there's been an issue that has caused us to hide," Grayson says Michael nods. He goes out to the bunker full of students "Ok everyone listens up" he waits as the room goes silent. "A few things have come up so now we have to be into hiding nothing bad will happen to y'all school is canceled but you will still go through training.." The friends were brought out of their thoughts as a familiar voice fills their ears.

"Camila? Camila are you there?" She hears Shawns voice. "Yeah, we're all here what's up?" She hears him sigh.

"It's Adam he's coming you need to get ready...he has a whole army of soulless... I think he wants to talk."

     "Shawn, why didn't you tell us?"

      "Well I was kinda busy running a whole school of students and we had another attack"

      The friends go silent "How many lost?" Lauren asks.

"Not too many like four they were the older ones they were protecting the younger ones. Some real hero's we put up a memorial for them and gave them burial. But I don't know how they died and didn't become soulless. Then I figured it out, they were draining their powers so that they were human and then they killed them."

Camila groans "How is he getting the powers so fast.." Matilda gasps everyone looks at her.

"Groups.." she mumbles her friends raise an eyebrow "He waits for them to be in a big group and attacks...we lead him to the students. That's why his army multiples so much." Matilda runs to Michael. "Dean Michael we need to get these kids out of here" he looks confused "RIGHT NOW GO!" He rushes to the mic "everyone calmly exit-" a loud crash comes from the back of the room.

"Too late" Matilda mumbles. "EVERYONE OUT NOW!" Michael yells the students all make a run towards the exits. Camila's eyes land on Sofi she was tackled to the ground. Camila runs to the stage and jumps off she lifts the soulless off of her and rips it in half. "Well, shit that was scary" Sofi chuckles a little "Are you ok?" Camila asks she helps Sofi to her feet. "Yeah I'm fine" her eyes widen "Watch out!" A thunder buoy bursts out of her hand. "Whoah," Camila says.

     "Right," Sofi says smiling. "Ok kid you get out of here," Camila says loudly trying to speak over the screams. "What? No, I want to stay with you" Camila puts her hand down after ripping a soulless in half "Can you keep up?" Sofi nods.

     They run off to their other friends Matilda was teleporting everywhere killing the soulless or helping the students. Arena lifting and throwing the soulless to the ground killing them instantly. Grayson was with Lauren fire daggers and spikes being thrown at the soulless. Ally, Normani, and Dinah were attacking a group of soulless and getting kids to safety. Adam and Lucy just calmly walked around not giving a care in a world. This angered Camila. "YOU!" Camila yells at Lucy who just smirked.

"This is gonna be fun," she says. They walk to each other determined Camila throws a blast at her which sends her flying back. Lucy gets up and sends an even bigger more powerful blast at her which sends her flying across the bunker. A sharp piece of wood stabs through Camila's stomach. "CAMILA" her friends yell and run towards her. "When she gets better turn left then right and go straight bye-bye" Lucy and Adam leave. Camila passes out.
Hope y'all like this chapter don't forget to vote and yea I'm back but chapters might come out every other week or so yeah sorry abt that.

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