Chapter 6

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Load and behold a soulless. Right before Camilas eyes,hoping not to have seen one for a long time or never. Screams of students filling her ears.

     Camila watches as it's long nails scratch a kid around her age. The girl falls and black blisters start to form on the skin,a screech can be heard coming from her as she goes to scratch another kid.

"DON'T GET SCRATCHED" A teacher yells,some kids have already left the gym others staying back to help get rid of the soulless. But the numbers in the gym doubling this was hell Camila thought. She felt someone touch her back turning around with her hand up ready to fight. Lauren had made a protective field with her fire.

     "Oh shit sorry Lauren" Camila apologizes the fire field goes away. "It's ok don't worry but we need to get out of here there's to many of them" Lauren pleads Camila hears a scream all too familiar it was Dinah. Camila turns around to see Dinah trying her best fight a soulless off "DINAH" Camila yells in a panic.

     Camila runs Lauren following close behind. Camila lifts both of her hand towards the soulless, soon enough the soulless was floating in the air. Both of Camila palms facing upwards she crosses them and the soulless explodes. "I didn't know you could do that" Normani speaks out loud.

     "Neither did I" Camila confesses to her friends "Whoah close one thanks there Walz" Dinah breaths a sigh of relief "Are we staying to help" the chaos getting worse there was still a lot of soulless but more students and teachers. "I am but where's Ally" Dinah questions as they look around. They see the little boy who was with Ally looking around frantically,he uses his fire to get rid of the soulless who are trying to attack him. They run up to him.

     "Hey Grayson where's Ally?" Lauren had learned his name before the whole chaos started. "I'm not sure she was with me but then she sort of disappeared and I'm actually really scared" he confesses with a sob he was one of the younger students. Maybe sixth grade and Lauren knew she needed to get him out of here and safe "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" It was Ally who was about to be attacked.

     A blast from a hand from a tall boy and the soulless goes flying back. Ally's friends run up to her "Thank you Shawn I really appreciate it" Ally thanks the tall boy "Oh you where the one I was standing next too when we did the force field" Camila was out of breath she was on a roll with killing the soulless as Lauren talked to the boy.

Dinah and her had been keeping score to see who would win. "Oh yeah hey..?" He was waiting for a name "Camila my names Camila" they shake hands exchange a smile. "Ok I have a plan" Dinah speaks up to get everyone's attention "Shawn I need you to help the younger kids get the hell out of here make sure the kids are in the training rooms. The rest will stay and help got it?" Everyone nods.

Shawn takes Grayson they both fight the soulless coming towards them, Shawn gathering as many kids as he can they leave the gym protecting each other. Ally using a strong gust of wind to knock down about five that where about to attack a teacher. Normani collecting water in her hands that came out of her palm and throwing at a group of soulless making them slip, Dinah stomping on the ground stems and leaves mixed with twigs trap them squeezing them until the exploded.

"Camila I'm winning" Dinah tells her but she was way to focused to care. She was helping Lauren kill a group of soulless she would blast them then Lauren would send a huge blast of flames there way,causing them to explode. The group of friends thought they where doing good and they where but there was just to many of them. Fire,water,branches,and wind being thrown everywhere along with so many other abilities.

The battle was becoming overwhelming Camila could feel her body shutting down,along with her friends and the others in the gym. It was just like waves and waves coming towards them once they thought they got the last one more and more would appear. Punch and throws becoming weak and Camila could see that her friends could see that.

Multiple times coming close to being scratched or attacked. Camila watched as soulless doubled she didn't even notice about twenty soulless where heading her way. She gets crashed onto the ground with a loud thud "CAMILA" Normani yells in fear Camila gets angry and not the regular angry she would experience back home. No this was something else something powerful.

She screams and a blast comes out of her body sending them back she stands up everyone that saw in shock. "YOU STUPID BITCHES!" She yells catching everyone off guard. She lifts her hands palms facing up instead of one soulless lifting up it was every soulless in the gym. Camilas Iris surrounding the pupil turn a glowing white shocking everyone.

Crossing her hands all the soulless explode Camilas eyes turning back to normal. They roll back and the last thing she hears before her body hits the floor is her name being called out. "CAMILA"

Lauren was the one who called her name,Lauren was in shock of what just happened along with everyone in the gym. They wondered where the power they just witnessed came from. How was it even possible? They know about having powers and greater forces but this was something they never experienced.

Lauren knew and her friends knew it was something greater. Something more powerful snapping inside them.
I hope you all liked this chapter!! I really liked writing it actually...but stay safe out there ya'll and thank you for the support on my book,I appreciate it love you all good bye.

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