Chapter 9

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The four where in the training rooms practicing there powers. Lucy had been all over Lauren,and Lauren didn't feel comfortable the vibe she was getting made it weird. Meanwhile Camila was upstairs talking to Dean Adams.

     "So miss Karla I see that you are all better?" He questions her as she looks around his office when she heard her real name she flinches. She didn't remember telling him her real name "What did you just call me?" Camila asks his eyes widen "You told me your name was Karla remember?" He looks her in the eyes his eyes glow a dark blue. She looks away and shakes her head.

     "Did you just try to do something to me? I never told you my name was karla" Camila stands and try to run out of the office but the door shuts reputedly scaring her "HELP ME" she yells but no one comes. "Ah Karla, Karla no one can hear you" He chuckles scaring Camila even more. Camila try's to think of ways she can leave 'I have powers duh' Camila smirks to herself.

     "HELP ME" she yells on the top of her lungs. She thinks no one hears her but her friends do "Was that Camila?" Lauren asks "I think so" Dinah try's to run out of the room but Lucy throw a fire ball at her that blast her back. Her arm on fire Mani acts fast and uses water from her hands to put it out, Ally breaths on it to dry up the water. "What the hell Lucy" Lauren screams at her.

     "I can't let y'all leave" Lucy says with an evil manner. Lucy sets the door on fire "I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP WITH YOU" Lauren screams at her Lucy smirks "Oh Lauren always so good at catching things that are wrong" Lucy circles the four of them. "Once Camila is gone and then your little friends here it's gonna just be me and you" Lucy tries to kiss Lauren but Lauren dodges it.

     Lucy didn't like that she harshly grabs her face "You are going to learn to love me one way or another" she throws her face to the side and walks away. "Take a seat we're going to be here for a while" Lucy takes a seat in one of the chairs and relaxes.

     Back in Dean Adams office Camila is trying to unlock the door. But Adams grabs her waist and slams her on the floor Camila groans in pain. A fire ball comes from his hand and try's to throw it at Camila but Camila stops it. He looks at her confused and shocked he has never seen anyone do that besides an old friend of his. He gets angry but before he can react Camila throws it at him he steps and screams.

Camila sends a powerful blast at the door,it breaks in half and opens wide enough for her to leave. Camila runs out the door "LAUREN?!" Camila yells for her the students look at her confused "I need you five to get everyone in there rooms and lock the door" she tells the three girls and two boys "HURRY!" She yells they go running to tell the others to get in there room.

"CAMILA" she hears Lauren yell Camila goes to a training room and sees the door on fire "What the-" before she can finishes Dinah yells "BEHIND YOU" Camila moves just in time. Lucy had a fire sword flames coming from the tip of the blade and spikes on the handle. "What the hell Lucy" Camila yells. "Adams was supposed to get rid of you" she tries to hit her again but she puts a field up to protect her.

"Damn it Camila just die" she yells at her "Camila be careful" Lauren warns her Camila nods at her with a smile. "SHES MINE NOT YOURS" Lucy get even angry and cuts Camilas arm, Camila sends a blast her way she goes flying back.

     Inside the training room the four girls develop a plan. "Ok Mani you ready?" Ally asks Mani nods her head. Mani creates a big water ball and throws it at the door the fire field goes down with a sizzle. They high five and get ready for the next faze of the plan. "STOP IT" Lauren yells and gets in front of Camila "Lauren move" Lucy warns stepping closer "No I'll go with you but just leave Camila and my friends out of it" Lauren steps closer.

     "Promise?" Lucy smiles at Lauren. Lauren puts her hand on Lucy's cheek she leans into it Lauren puts her hand behind her back. She creates a fire dagger "I promise" Lucy smiles "Let's go" she turns but Lauren stabs her in the back. Lucy gasps and falls to her knees and her body turns cold her blue veins visible on her body. Lauren sighs and turns around and hugs Camila "Are you ok?" Lauren checks her face and then she sees the blood on her arm. "Shit I'm so sorry" a tear escapes her eye Camila wipes it and looks at her arm.

     Camila concentrates and a white glowing color comes out of her hands. She waves it over the cut and it dissapears "Well shit how many powers do you have" Dinah asks laughing with Normani. "I'm not sure but it's ok Laur no need to be sorry" Camila kisses Lauren on the cheek. "Whoah what happened here?" Shawn comes out of a room "It's a long story but just know..Lucy and Adams are not on our team we need to make sure the kids are safe" Lauren turns around to tell Shawn. "Score I knew I had a feeling something was up" Shawn claps his hands.

     Normani and Dinah drag Lucy out of the way and in the training room. They would figure out what to do with her later, Shawn gathered all the kids that where still alive in the cafeteria. "Ok everyone listen up" Shawn speaks into the mic "Camila is going to talk to you no funny business" he warns them. Camila steps to the mic "I'm sure most of you heard the commotion that was going on." Camila begins "Dean Adams and Lucy are not the good people we thought...there on the opposite team and now there's no one here to help and keep thing in order. That's why I'm putting Shawn in charge you all know him and trust him." Gasp and quietness falls upon them.
Hope y'all like this chapter later YALL!!!!!

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