Chapter 5

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After lunch Lauren walked Camila to class,they grew in each other. Talking about there powers and what they could do they held hands to class. The teachers were late but when they came back they looked worried something had happened....

     "Class listen up" Camilas teacher spoke catching the chattering children's attention "You all are to report to the gym immediately,stay together do not go anywhere else do you understand?" He questions the students they nod it didn't satisfy him "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Camilas teacher seemed so nice so this scared her a little "YES SIR" they say all together.

     The students head out of the class room into the halls,other kids seemed to be told this information because they were storming the halls. "Camila wait up" Camila turned around to see her best friends and new friends coming towards her. "I'm guessing everyone was told to go to the gym?" Ally question getting pushed out of the way Camila didn't like that.

     "HEY! Watch where your going" Camila raises her voice at the boy he turns to her and smirks. "Your kinda hot when your mad" He says this only made her even angrier with a swift hand motion of her hand he falls. Dinah laughs and fist bumps her they continue there walk to the gym.

     They walk in the gym to see all kids from different grades gathered around on seats and on the floors. Teachers walk around with worried faces whispering to the other teachers. "Somethings happening" Camila tells her friends they nod in agreement "I over heard one of the teachers talking to the principal saying that they saw something explode in the other side of the woods. And that she saw a soulless." Lauren and Ally turned there head to the lower grade students gathered around. "Did you say soulless?" Ally questions the boy.

     "Yeah that's why we're all gathered here" the young boy tells Ally "Oh ok try not to sit next to the doors come sit near us" Ally tells them her motherly instincts kicking in. Lauren speaks up "What teacher did you hear say this?" She questions him "Ms.Amy but please don't tell her I told you I don't want to get into trouble" he pleads to Lauren.

     "Don't worry I won't just stay with Ally and your friends" he nods his head Lauren leaves her backpack and starts walking away. Camila curious gets up and walks to catch up with her "What's a soulless?" Camila questions Lauren "There the ones who attacked on the school for gifted centuries ago. They never found out who created them,only that once the elements and the mind bender along with the students were dead they disappeared." Lauren sighs as she taps Ms.Amy's shoulder she turns to face Lauren.

     Lucky for Lauren Ms.Amy loved her she was her favorite student. "Hey Lauren are you ok?" She question her "Yeah I'm perfectly fine I just want to know if it was true" she didn't have time for small talk she needed answers "If what's true" Lauren can see the nervousness Amy was experiencing "About the soulless" Amy flinches at the name "Follow me" She looks between Lauren and Camila.

     They step out to the hallway Amy looks around making sure no ones near to hear. "I was doing my daily rounds making sure students where getting to class." Amy beings to tell the events that accrued "I heard something exploded and black liquid shoot Up in the sky...I hear a screech I walk a little deeper to see if anyone was hurt. Then I saw a figure with boiling skin It walked to this shed looking thing and I ran back to campus and told, Dean Adams" she takes a shaky breath as she told Lauren and Camila this information.

     "Once I told him he called every teacher to come into the conference room and told them...they discussed what to do and they decided to have everyone come to the gym. Once that happens they decided not to tell anyone and not scare them, so Lauren and Lauren's friend do not and I mean do NOT tell anyone" she warns them with a serious tone they nod there heads in agreement "Go back to your friends" she walks back in the gym with Lauren and Camila following close behind.

     Camila was actually scared she rarely gets scared so this was new. Lauren was also scared but more of the scared nervous if that makes sense she seems to see Camilas discomfort,she takes her hand in hers "Don't worry Camz everything is going to be fine I won't let anything happen to you" Lauren smiles at Camila which Camila returns. "Camz? I like that it's either always Camila, Mila, of in serious situations Karla" Camila tells Lauren "Karla why Karla?" Lauren questions.

     "Well my real name is Karla but I don't like using it so I go by Camila it's my middle name" Camila answers her question "Hella cool come on let's take a seat." Lauren and Camila sit next to each other in the middle,Ally next to the little boy comforting him and his friends. Mani and Dinah next to Lauren in the other side in conversation which got interrupted by a voice.

     "Ok everyone listen up" Dean Adams speaks into the mic getting everyone's attention. "Something has come up I need ALL the mind benders down here  right now! From every grade even teachers" the students where confused but the mind benders got up and headed down towards the Dean along with teachers. "Camila go don't be nervous" Lauren whispers Camila nods getting up and heading down.

     "Do you all know how to make a protective force field?" The Dean asks into the mic everyone nods. It's one of the first things there taught you put your arms over your chest and pull down hard,and you have a protective field you can control it how ever you want for as long as you want. "Ok get in a big circle there's a lot of you so spread out" The Dean tells them as they start walking around. Camila stands next to a tall boy "You know how to do this right?" He question her she nods her head "Do you?" She questions back "A little" he nervously says "Just concentrate on your power and do the move" he nods with a thankful smile.

     "Ok students and teachers get ready" Adam speaks again "One..." they put there arms over there chest "Two" Camila closes her eyes gathering her energy "THREE" Adam shouts they all pull down hard and a protective field comes out. "Now push it hard" Adam speaks teachers and students do as told and the fields get pushed around the walls,students and it exits the gym and going all around the school.

     A student screams everyone turns towards the door and then more screams erupt.

     Lauren,Camila,Dinah,Normani,and Ally are nervous and scared to see what there fate brings. But fear won't stop them from protecting everyone.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! The next one might come out today or later tomorrow. To the woman going out tomorrow please for the love of god be safe. If you don't know men are planning on attacking and raping women. Use your elbows there the strongest part of your body love you all stay safe out there.

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