Chapter 4

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Dinah and Normani are at Camilas house with there parents on Saturday,waiting to leave for Gifted. They were all so excited they talked and waited as they some what helped get there luggage in the car...let's take a look.....

"I can't wait to see what other powers are there" Dinah squeals as she gets in the car next to Camila who nexts to Mani by the window. "I know,mom what other powers are there?" Mani questions "Well there's fire,air,water,nature,and people with Camilas power. Super speed,super strength and much more you'll like it." She smiles.

Camila couldn't wait to see who had powers like would make her feel so nice inside to know that others can help with this ability. Dinah was really nervous what if no one liked her? What if people thought she was weird? Or to loud? Dinah wouldn't let it get to her but sometimes it did...she would just have to wait and see. Normani wasn't nervous at all she couldn't wait to see who else could do what she can.

    The moms decided to drop of the girls,the dads would stay behind so they said there farewells and got in the truck. "Are we almost there yet?" Dinah complained for the fifth time "Dinah we told you it would take at least five hours" Camila responds rolling her eyes "How many hours have we've been driving?" Mani asks "Three we just have two more hours" Sinu explained.

     Two more hours had gone by and they entered a forest,there was a sign that said 'no trespassing' but Camilas mom drove in anyways. They drive down a bumpy road there was two rocks aligned Camilas mom picked up speed,they were heading towards a big tree. "Mom..." Camila said closing her eyes waiting for the impact to come but it never did.

     She opened her eyes to see a big building and a big front yard with real green grass. Camila was in Aw of the sight "Wow.." she spoke the two other girls opened there eyes jaws dropping at the sight. "Wow indeed" Dinah spoke looking around at how beautiful the grass was. Normani saw kids using there abilities to get around some teleporting,others using speed and even some flying in the sky.

    Camilas mother parked the truck in a space and everyone got out. Sinu walked them inside the building and to the front office "Hello and welcome to School for the gifted how may I help you?" A cheery voice spoke "Hi I'm enrolling these three girls here" Sinu speaks to the lady "Ah yes of course I will need names,ability,and records." The lady who's name tag says 'Smith' on it speaks. Our mothers pull out our records.

     First up was Mani "Normani Kordei,water abled" Andrea hands over her records, next was Dinah "Dinah Jane,earth abled" Milika handed over the papers and finally Camila "Camila Cabello,mind bender abled" Sinu hands over the papers. "That should do it,here are your keys you three will share a room we don't really have enough for all." Ms.Smith spoke apologetic.

They nod there heads not having a problem with it at all. "A few rules for you three one: you can use your magic how ever you like just not on any administrators two:rooms will be checked by the end of every week three:since we are in the woods it can be easy to get lost do NOT under any circumstances go to the other side of the woods. Is that clear?" Smith questions after explaining the rules the girls nod there heads. "I will get you someone to show you around I'm sorry parents but it's time to leave" she smiles sympathetically.

We hug our parents "You will do so great here Dinah" Milika tells her tears in her eyes crushing her in another hug. "Listen and do what you are told I'm so proud of you Normani" Andrea speaks to her in care,hugging her one last time to go to the truck with Milika. "Camila you must listen and do not go to the other side of the woods I know you were thinking about it...but I love you ok? Be safe" Sinu hugs Camila one last time before heading out.

"Hello everyone I'm Ally Brooke I'll be your guide for today" a cheery voice speaks breaking Camila from her thoughts. "Hi Ally I'm Normani" Mani shakes her hand "Sup I'm Dinah Jane" Dinah fist bumps her "And I'm Camila" Camila shakes her hand. "Well it's wonderful to meet you all shall we get started?" She begins to walk to the desk and takes three papers handing one to us all "There your schedules" she smiles at us.

"This is the cafeteria the times we eat are separated by grade level,we eat at twelve to twelve-thirty" Ally has been showing us our class rooms,there bigger than expected. We get separated for first period depending on our abilities,home room is the class where we learn about our abilities. Second period were all mixed up to learn about other abilities. Third everyone separates again for training in the training rooms. It goes back and forth like that all day till lunch and last period.

"And this room is the library we have every single book you can think of not only magic or power books." The four walk past the library In Aw of how big it is "And this room right here is the most precious room out of every room here...The book of Elements and the mind bender" she opens the door "You can come in here whenever just be careful with the book" in the middle was a book on a stand a blue light shining on it.

"Why only the elements and the mind bender?" I question "Pollux is the god of telekinesis which is a mind bender he helped the elements build this place,until it was attacked and it killed everyone" she whispers the last part "But were not allowed to talk about it outside of the class room so keep it low" she adds. "Well that concludes our tour I'm actually supposed to go pick my friend up from class wanna come with me?" She asks us with a smile "Yeah sure also what's your element?" Dinah questions her remembering not being told what she can do. "I control wind" she answers happily.

"How about y'all?" Ally speaks up as the three walk down the hall way following her. "I control nature" Dinah gives a high five to Ally "I control water" Mani smiles "I'm a mind bender" Camila cheerily answers "That's really cool guys my friend Lauren controls fire shes training right now with her friend Lucy" we make a left and walk through two double doors.

One we get to the training room at the end of the hallway we look through the window,we see two girls throwing fireballs at each other. One catches Camilas attention she has green eyes,toned abs and her hair is a jet black. They walk in "Lauren come on we have to go it's almost lunch time" Ally complains to Lauren "Ok ok fine" Lucy and Lauren stop Lauren turns around and meets Camilas eyes "Ya'll three are new?" She questions.

They nod to Lauren's question "That's Normani,Dinah,and Camila" Ally points to the three they wave to Lauren "What's y'all's power?" She asks another question. She asks a lot of questions Camila thought but she didn't mind she liked it actually. "Water abled" mani tells her shaking her hand "Nature abled" Dinah fist bumps her "Mind bender" Camila feels sparks when there skin touches she withdraws her hand and smiles.

"I'm Lauren fire abled and that's Lucy also fire abled" she points to Lucy who was checking out Lauren. Lucy cheeks flush a tinted red "Hello" she waved we wave back "Come on hurry lunch" Ally drags Lauren to the showers. Once Lauren's done they head to lunch Lucy staying behind.

Now the five have met we shall wait till fate draws upon them and the Gifted. But somewhere far away something explodes not being able to be heard at gifted there day continues.
I hoped you all like this chapter please vote and and share this book with others and have a good day later y'all 🏎💨

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