Chapter 15

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Once in the elevator they push the close button both doors coming to a close. They push the last button to go down the building, "Guys we have an issue" Shawn still on the other line. "What's wrong" Lauren questions "There's a couple of Adams guards outside you must be careful...they got guns" He nervously states as they almost reach the bottom.

     Camila laughs they turn to look at her Shawn questions why she's laughing. "Camila there's nothing funny about this" he seriously says,she laughs again.  "It's- it's just that Sir trader up there doesn't even have people who have magical abilities. What the hell are guns gonna do?" Camila states Dinah chuckles along with Camila.

     The elevator comes to a stop the doors open with a ding. All eyes turn to them "STOP RIGHT THERE" with one hollers. Camila walks out ignoring the order and heads towards the door a women points the gun at Camila. A small green light appears in the middle of her chest, Camila smirks "Can you please hurry? I don't have time for this" Camila groans suddenly getting annoyed.

Camila keeps direct eye contact with the girl, Camila can see how nervous she is. But the girl goes through with it and pulls the trigger her friends stay still to in shock to say anything. They thought they where about to see there friend die right in front of them. But it doesn't happen instead the bullet is being stoped by Camilas hand "I suggest you all stay where y'all are at and let my friends and I walk out and no one will get hurt" Camila suggest smirking at the scared girl in front of her.

"But if we let y'all leave we get in trouble" The girl says Camila rolls her eyes. "Oh please he doesn't scare me and he shouldn't scare you have powers?" Camila questions her she nods "I control electricity" Camila nods and smiles "Then leave y'all have powers" Camila shrugs her shoulders. This seemed to get through with them "We got y'all you guys can leave" Camila smiles.

     "If you need anything go the 'The palace' that's where we're staying" the girl winks at Camila "Thank you" Camila thanks her and walks out into the sunset with her friends and walk down the street taking in the site. "Why is everyone walking around like Zombies? It's weird" Dinah questions they shrug there shoulders.

     "Shawn where do we go?" Normani asks it's quite for a few seconds then he speaks "Keep walking down the street make a left and you will be by a big building it looks empty" he instructs them they do as told. "Ok now knock fifteen times" Arena knocks fifteen times. Sounds of old brick and dust move together causing a grumbling noise, "walk in" they walk in and see students running around or walking.

     Using there powers to teleport to different places and laughing. They where much younger than they where maybe even 5th grade and then there where of course older kids just like back home. "Where are we?" Matilda asks "Y'all are at school of the gifted it's the same name different must find the Dean and tell him the news. And help the kids escape" Shawn tells the group of friends.

    "Find the Dean tell him what's going on and make sure the kids get out safely..I'll be here if y'all need me" the line goes silent. A ball comes flying from being the group of friends obviously not nothing and hits Camila in the back of her head. "Ow" Camila mumbles her friends start laughing.

     "Oh my god I'm so sorry my friends weren't paying attention to where they where throwing the ball" the girl bends down along with Camila to get the ball. "No it's ok don't worry about it" Camila and the younger girl look up. Camila feels she's seen the girl before or feels like she's meant to meet her, so does the girl. Camila tilts her head to the side to get a better look at the girl.

     "I feel like I know you" they both say at the same time. "What's your name?" Camila questions the girl "I'm Sopiha Cabello" Camilas eyes widen in shock her friends who started paying attention gasp. "I'm Camila Cabello"  Camila responds to Sopiha "That's weird..I feel like I've heard that name" Sopiha and Camila now standing up begin to discuss even more.

     "Yeah ha that's weird but cool...Um can you show me where your Dean is?" Camila chuckles awkwardly Sopiha nods "This way" Camilas friends start to follow her farther into the school and walk up a flight of stairs. "I'm not in trouble am I?" Sophia asks worriedly "No not at all we just need to talk to him....and um try to stay away from windows and doors" Camila responds to her as they come to a stop by an office. Sophia nods her head not knowing what that means but planing on following that rule.

    Sophia was big on rules that's all she followed even though she looked like she doesn't. Camila and her friends walk into the office "Hello new comers I'm Riley! Is there something I can help y'all with?" A cheery voice speaks from behind the desk with a warm smile "Um- Yeah I'm looking for the Dean there's some we must speak to him about" Lauren tells Riley "Oh yes of course I don't think I've seen y'all before,please tell me from where your from while we wait for him to come back from lunch." Riley stands up and shakes there hands as they all take a seat in the chairs in front of the desk.

     "We're from Miami we go to Gifted over there" Matilda smiles at the lady who's warm smile twitched a little. "Oh that's wonderful who's y'all's Dean or head mistress?" She leans forward on her desk. "Oh um- Dean Adams" Arena coughs the last bit. Her smile disappears she stands up fear in her eyes, she holds her hands out a light gold coming from her hands as the group of friends stay still not being able to move. "Woah hey! What the hell!" Camila yells.

     "Who are y'all working for?" She questions no longer being her Cheery self  "What? We don't work for anyone all the school for the gifted are in trouble. That's why we came to warn everyone and we need y'all's help" Camila responds back to her who was still trying to move. Riley moves her hands down and releases them they let out a sigh of relief. "Well that was lovely" Dinah says in a British accent sarcasm in her tone.

     "Wait here I must go get Dean Michael" Riley leaves the office and the friends wait there for Riley and Michael to come.
I hope y'all like this chapter!! Sorry for the spelling mistakes or horrible grammar!! All the tea will be in the next chapter BYE EVERYONEEEE!!!!

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