Chapter 7

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Camila woke up in a white room confused on what was happening she calls out.

     "Hello? Is anyone here?" Camila hoped she would hear someone answer her but there wasn't even a door in site. A man appeared out of no where scaring Camila, he smiles at her too shocked to smile back she just sits there.

     "Who are you?" Camila questions the man he was middle aged he seemed nice to Camila but she just wanted to leave to go with her Lauren. "I'm Pollux" he responds to her she looks confused because she's heard that name before.

     "Where am I?" Still confused hoping to find the answers she's looking for. "A part of the underworld but don't worry nothing will hurt you Camila" he reassured her she eased a little "I must bring your friends here and four others to explain something to all five of you. But I must speak with you first" he walks up to her and takes a seat next to her.

     He signs and begins "Camila you are extremely powerful after what happened in the gym part of your awakening has taken place. You have one more part to complete all three this ties in with your friends. You have my powers it will be explained as soon as your friends arrive here...I must bring my friends and your friends" Pollux tells Camila. Camila obviously being confused didn't know what to say she just sat there.

     With a hand wave away from him appears her friends. Normani,Dinah,Ally,and Lauren "Where the hell are we" Dinah questions while the rest shrug there shoulders "It's part of the underworld" Camila answers them all of the news sinking into her. "Camila" Lauren says shocked going up to her and engulfing her in her in a hug. Camila sinking into the hug Ally speaks "Camila where did you go after you woke up?" Ally questions her.

     Camila woke up here not anywhere else that she can remember. "What do you mean? I woke up here" Everyone was confused "But when you woke up you where in a rush you ran out of the room and we couldn't find you" Dinah says worried "I brought her here because I needed to speak with her along with you four" more seats appear and they take a seat confused.

     "I'm Pollux and these are my friends" with a wave four other beautiful beings appear one with a head piece made with flowers going around her head,the second with a white piece made with stuff that looked like clouds floating above her head. The ones next to them had a fire crown going around his head,Pollux the name Camila finally remembers had a blue crown with floating crystals,and finally there was one with water circling around her head. Ally and Lauren seemed to already know who they where "You four are the elements and your Pollux the mind bender" Ally states with excitement it all starts to click for Camila.

     "Hello my daughter" the element of wind speaks. "We must speak with you all of you there is danger coming more danger than any of us have experienced. You five will be the ones who save the world so listen." Fire speaks as he holds hands with Pollux. Pollux smiles at his boyfriend who seemed to be around the same age as him. Lauren and Camila smile at the couple then smile at each other.

     "Go ahead and say who you are" Pollux encourages "I am the goddess Nature please call me Aine" She bows her head "I am the goddess of the element water call me Iara" she smiles to the kids. "I'm Ankhiale the goddess of air" she smiles at Ally who smiles back. "I am Aeouls the god of fire" he opens his palm and a fire flame shots out he looks at Lauren and smiles she smiles back at him. "I'm Pollux the god telekinesis" Pollux turns to smile at Camila who smiles back putting Pollux in shock because he hadn't seen her smile since she had arrived in the underworld.

More seats appear and they take a seat "how about you five? Tell us your names and elements..even though we already know" Ankhaile speaks with a laugh "I'm Ally I'm wind abled" Ally opens her palm creating a small tornado in the middle of her hand.Next was Dinah "I'm Dinah nature abled" she smiled leaves fall out of Dinah's hands."I'm Normani water abled" Iara smiles "Show me what you can do" Iara encourages Normani. Normani smiles she opens her hand and water comes out of both of them she combines them,they circle around one another until becoming one big water ball. Iara smiles and Normani "That's impressive how long did it take you to learn that?" She asks "About a day or two" Normani laughs "That's great it sometimes takes longer" Iara says with an amused smile.

"I'm Lauren fire abled" Aeouls sits straighter than before "Throw a fire ball" Aeouls smiles at Lauren she opens both of her hands fire coming from both she combines them and huge fire ball with flames shooting out,she throws it far from them. Aeouls speaks "That was awesome" he cheers her on she thanks him.

"I'm Camilla I'm a mind bender" she introduces herself "Here do something with these two bricks" Pollux speaks and two bricks appear. Camila was confused but decided to just go with it,she lifts one block in the air her palms facing up. She squeezes her hand and the brick becomes a red powdery dust,she lifts the other with both hands her palms still facing up she crosses them and it breaks in half. Pollux seems satisfied everyone was really shocked at how well she did it.

Camilas friends where really happy that she was ok and over all just happy for her. The elements and the mind bender where really impressed they knew that the move, would take skill and technique along with taking a few days even weeks to master. Camila was proud she knew how to do it, it made her feel really powerful and Camila liked that she loved it even.

The ten of them sit around each other. Things for the five girls where about to change. But out of the underworld things on earth at gifted where going to get a bit out of hand.
I hope you all liked this chapter! Next chapter they will find out about everything. Have a good day bye YALL!!!!!

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