Chapter 13

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Disclaimer!!!! I don't know any three of the kids that I chose to be Grayson,Arena, and Matilda!! Thought I should point it out BYE YALL!

B.C in Greece Pollux and the other gods along with the elements are taking a seat.

     "You must punish him for his crimes" Zeus speaks his voice firm and rough "I don't think we should...did you not hear all of the things he's been through? He's had a tough life that's why he is the way he is" Hades speaks up his voice was calm but still stern as he talked with grace.

      "Hades is right we should give him a chance to take a seat with us on the Thrones" Iara adds. Hades had a point Pollux thought, Pollux believed in second chances. One would say Pollux gave to many chances but he didn't care, he wanted everyone to feel loved and safe. "He can help us in some of the ideas we have...especially with the idea I stated earlier" Pollux says everyone listening intently.

     "Fine but keep a close eye on him I can't be having him ruining everything" Zeus finally gives in. "Bring him in" Zeus's voice booms, the guards bring in a tall man who looked scared. "Sir Adams we have decided not to have you pay for your crimes. Instead we are giving you a second chance and a place on the throne along with helping in an idea we have" Zeus speaks to the man.

     "T-Thank you sir I won't let you down" Adams face lights up Zeus and the others nod and him to follow close behind. He does as told but little did they know Adams was wearing a smirk. Not the playful smirk but an evil smirk..Adams was getting what he wanted all along.

Back to regular times where the five and the trouble three are waiting by a plane. Shawn had told them what needed to be done and they where the ones to get it done. We shall see what fate holds for these eight...and nine if you want to add Shawn.

     "Where is he? He was supposed to be here five minutes ago" Grayson looks at his watch as he speaks. "I'm here I'm here" Shawn runs up to them out of breath,the eight confused on why Mani asks "What the hell Shawn? Where were you?" They wait for Shawn to catch his breath "I was helping out a kid and I forgot something that needed to be given to y'all" Shawn reached in his back pocket and pull out eight small Devices.

"What is that?" Matilda asks taking one into her hand. "There ear pieces we can use them to communicate. One of the kids helped me she's really smart but basically when there in your ear I get a notification on my phone. There two switches stay on the second switch" he warns as he hand one to each of them. "This is so cool" Arena squeals Matilda smiles at her.

"Oh and y'all have suites I want y'all to wear" Shawn smiles "REALLY?!" Grayson asks enthusiastically. Shawn nods he squeals they all laugh "Ok good luck and please be safe I will be communicating the whole time. And you'll all be there before tomorrow" Shawn pulls them all into a hug they hug him back.

     They felt sad because there life's where about to change. Who knows what could happen and that's what scared Camila and her friends even more. What if someone were to die? Dinah thought and Dinah hated the thought of her friends leaving her. Normani shared the same thought Camila and Lauren tried not to think about stuff like that. It made them feel sad and like they wanted to cry,so they ignored the feelings they got.

      "Ok let's get this show on the road" Matilda says they chuckle in response. Arena smiles a little to long at Matilda...Normani and Dinah notice and smile at each other getting a feeling of a crush. They say there last goodbyes and get on the plane "How the hell did Shawn get the plane?" Ally now just realizing. "Shawn has connections" a stern but soft stern voice speaks. They jump and turn around to see a medium hight man with black hairs mixed with gray. "I'm a close friend to Shawn he needed help so I helped him"  He outstretched his hand for Camila to shake.

Camila shakes his hand "I'm Camila and you are?..." She waits for a response "Oh where are my manners I'm Romeo" Camila smiles he seems sweet. He shakes everyone's hand and speaks. "I shall get the plan ready if we want to make it in time. There are drinks and food over there" he points to the other side of the plane "And I am also instructed to guide you all around and stay with you" He smiles and we nod.

     Soon enough the plan takes off chatter starts to flow through out as they sit and wait. "Grayson" Arena calls to her friend he was annoyed that his friends kept taking photos. A white flash goes off  "Ow my eyes" he groans the girls roll there eyes. "Let me see the pic" Camila asks they give her the phone. "Damn you could be a model,if your interested I know someone"

 "Damn you could be a model,if your interested I know someone"

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He waves his hand and makes a pshh sound. Matilda was distracted so Arena takes a picture of her Matilda sees the flash and blinks. "Damn it let me see" Matilda groans. "You don't look bad at all you look pretty" Arena smiles at a blushing Matilda "Let me see" Arena turns the phone.

 "You don't look bad at all you look pretty" Arena smiles at a blushing Matilda "Let me see" Arena turns the phone

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"Damn girl ok" They hear Dinah all the friends look "Your eyes are so pretty" Arena says smiling at her friend. Dinah nudges Mani "Ow-Dinah what the-" Before she can finish Dinah points at the two girls. Mani makes and 'O' shape with her mouth and smiles.

     Arena takes one of herself not being to serious with the way it comes out

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     Arena takes one of herself not being to serious with the way it comes out. Matilda watches and smiles at how pretty she looked "You look so good though" Matilda comments "Thanks D" Arena nudges her friend. "You all could seriously be models" Camila says they laugh. They continue to talk and eat, Camila laid down on the couch and lifted little things with a red glow coming from her hands. She plays with it and makes the objects move.

     Lauren watch's in admiration "Mani throw me some water" Camila asks Mani nods and throws water droplets at her. She stops them and brings them to her they all watch as she makes a ball of water. They nod approvingly "Ladies and gentlemen please take a seat in your seats and buckle in. We're about to land and there's turbulence" Camila tosses the ball of water to Mani she absorbs it.
Enjoy the chapter y'all!! Remember I don't know who those three kids are!!! BYEEEE

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