Chapter 3

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Camila and her friends are walking home from school. It's still the first week of school and it's taking a long time to go by.
     "Camila that doesn't make sense..." Normani tells her friend. Camila had been talking about how they got there powers, she tried reading on it but nothing would come up. It was as if it was hiding from her or from the world. Camila thought they were cursed "Damn it your right it's just so confusing...the whole different power from parents stuff. Like are we supposed to have the same powers as our mom? Or dad? I don't know I just get to thinking sometimes" Camila sighs not knowing what to believe.

     "It's alright girl we all get to thinking too" Dinah pats her shoulder in comfort. Camila nods the thoughts still lingering in her mind, that's how it goes everyday Camila would run out of things to do so she'll research. She'll start in ancient times and come to modern times still looking for answers on how she got to have this ability. Don't get Camila wrong she loved having it but she just wanted to know why? And how it was even possible.

     Dinah pulls her phone out to read a text from her mom "Walz my mom wants you to come over you to Mani" Camila and Mani look at each other confused on why. They didn't ask they just mumbled an ok with a nod, they come close to the Hansen house Dinah unlocks the door. "MOM! We're home" Dinah calls out "Dinning table" her mother calls out.

     They make there way to the dinning table to see there mothers sitting down with serious expressions. "What's going on? Is everything ok?" Mani questions the mothers, Andrea Normanis mom sighs "Take a seat ladies" we do as told. "We haven't been completely honest with you three" Camilas mom speaks eyeing her daughter to see her reaction to what she was told.

     "What are you talking about?" Camila asks "Well you see we told you there wasn't a school for you three to go to for you abilities but there is" Andrea finally speaks. "What?" Dinah looks at her friends with wide eyes "It's called Gifted it's hidden in the woods we didn't tell you because we wanted you girls to have a regular school life. But we can tell we didn't make the right decision." Camilas mom tells them reaching in the chair for her purse she pulls out a thick journal. It belonged to Camila it had the the moon on it she bought it to hold all the information she got on magic and powers.

     Camilas eyes widen "Mom where did you find that? Where you in my room?" Camilas voice evident with anger "I went in there to look for my bracelet I went to your desk and saw it open. I saw a bunch of questions you had and I knew you had been looking into it. I came and told Andrea and Milika about what I found" Camilas mother explains to them about the events that accrued. "This school were telling you about will help you girls learn how to master your abilities and your questions will be answered Camila" Normani's mom tells the girls.

     "Why's it hidden in the woods?" Dinah questions "For protection no one knows where this school is except for the gifted and there parents... it's safe there" Andrea tells them the girls look at each other and nod there heads in a silent agreement. Camila can't believe it she was no longer mad she was happy she was going to get her questions answered. It made her feel good inside.

     On the other hand Dinah and Normani didn't quit know how to feel. Normani was a little mad at not being told this sooner, she felt different around the students at her school. It's not that she didn't like them it's just they couldn't do what she could do, it felt she had no one to help. Dinah was also mad about not being told, Dinah would always see Camila writing down questions about the situation. It would cause Camila to get mad when the answer didn't pop up like she hoped.

     This would cause Camila to get angry and when she was angry...let's just say her room would soon be trashed. She just wished Camila would have known sooner. She cared deeply for her friends and didn't like watching them feel bad about not being able to relate or find answers. Dinah also felt the same way but just wouldn't admit it... she never would.

     "This school will be such a great opportunity for you girls" Sinu tells them after a while of quietness. "How does this whole thing work? Do we stay there or do you pick us up?"  Normani asked the three mothers. "Well you stay there the whole school year and summer you girls get to come back home the only time when you come home during the school year is holidays..." Milika tells them with a smile. She was proud of the girls but she just couldn't get rid of this feeling that something was going to happen. She thought it's just her motherly instincts over the girls.

     "When do we leave?" Camila asks feeling joy inside her "Well since it's still the first week of school starting up'll leave this weekend." The girls eyes widen they were nervous but excited.

     After that Wednesday the girls couldn't wait for the week to finish. It was all they talked about they didn't know what to expect when they would arrive. To Camila it felt like it took forever for Saturday to roll around, she packed all her belongings that she needed for school the night before. Dinah,Normani,and her all FaceTimed the night before while they packed they shared there worries and doubts about the new school. But they reassured each other nothing would change and they would be just fine...and nothing would happen just a normal year.

     Camila,Dinah,and Normani slept peacefully that Friday night not worrying about anything just there new school. It was going to be easy nothing would happen things won't change. Camila,Dinah,and Normani told them selfs before drifting off to sleep.
Chapter three is doneeeee!! I hope you all liked it!! We shall wait till next chapter to see what's in store for them...bye ya'll!!!

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