Chapter 107

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    After reading his son's room, Yu Baoyuan felt a little more expectant. When he went downstairs, he drank a bowl of chicken soup under the kindness of Uncle He, only to get away from Uncle He's enthusiasm.

    Gu Feng carried Yu Baoyuan to the apartment where the two of them now live.

    When the car was normal, Gu Feng asked softly: "Are you still satisfied?"

    Yu Baoyuan clenched his hands and looked at the scenery flowing outside the window: "You are very careful."

    "This is our common son," Gu Feng looked at. Looking at the road ahead, the tone of voice could not help but be soft, "I hope he has been a happy little prince from birth."

    Yu Baoyuan reached out and touched his stomach: "I will try to give him whatever he can. The best."

    "You don't have to worry about it," Gu Feng turned the steering wheel, "I have me." The

    car drove all the way back to the apartment.

    When Yu Baoyuan returned home, his heart relaxed. Gu Feng returned to his own house first, saying that he would come over immediately after the matter was dealt with.

    Bai Xiangsheng has returned from the hospital. At this moment, he is sitting on the sofa, flipping his mobile phone.

    "How is today?" Bai Xiangsheng asked with a smile.

    Yu Baoyuan sat next to him: "The situation is very good. Gu Feng showed me the room he prepared for his son today...I think it's very good."

    "I'll be honest," Bai Xiangsheng peeled the fruit on the table, "and Compared with the beginning, Mr. Gu did make a lot of progress."

    "Maybe," Yu Baoyuan sighed, "but there is no way. I don't have a relationship with him. After all, I can't get together. What's next, let's talk about it.

    Right ." Bai Xiangsheng nodded slightly, but he didn't know what he thought.

    He hesitated and decided to tell Yu Baoyuan about the last time: "Last time, President Gu came to me alone once."

    "Huh?" Yu Baoyuan turned his head and said, " I'm looking for you alone?"

    "Yes," Bai Xiangsheng nodded slightly, "seeking me to ask about your situation. I have... talked a lot with him."

    Yu Baoyuan raised his eyebrows, but didn't know what he had to talk about.

    "There is nothing wrong with your physical condition, but I think you are too frustrated. You have always been too restrained, always carrying the pressure up and don't know how to release it," Bai Xiangsheng handed the peeled pulp to Yu Baoyuan. He urged him to eat and add some vitamins, "President Gu thinks

    so too ." Yu Baoyuan

    curled his lips : "You are too worried, I can control my emotions." "Really?" Bai Xiangsheng disapproved, "You I'm used to being patient, so I feel sad and hide my emotions subconsciously. But these emotions are like insoluble impurities. If you hide them, it doesn't mean they disappear. If emotions accumulate to a certain level, they will explode. So. , I said to Mr. Gu, you need a vent, you need to get rid of all the impurities in your heart. "

    Yu Baoyuan's action paused.

    He suddenly understood why Gu Feng looked a little abnormal that night, and why Gu Feng that night wanted to listen to his true words so persistently.

    It turned out that I wanted to use that opportunity to let him vent out.

    Bai Xiangsheng sighed slightly as he watched Yu Baoyuan's flowing eyes.

    Between two people, there is a bad debt.

    Gu Feng is slowly realizing how big a mistake he has made, but when he fully realizes his mistakes, he will also be disappointed to find that Yu Baoyuan has built a heart wall because of his mistakes. .

    It’s hard to go in a place that used to come and go freely.

    Bai Xiangsheng sighed.

    At this moment, his cell phone rang. He connected and saw that it was Meng Manglong.

    "Hey," Meng Manglong should be driving over there, talking to him wearing a Bluetooth headset, "Sheng Sheng, what are you doing now?"

    "I'm at Baoyuan's house," Bai Xiangsheng replied softly, "What about you?"

    Meng Manglong looked at the road ahead and steadily operated the steering wheel: "I'm driving, halfway through I think you can't think of it, just I want to hear your voice."

    "Stupid dragon," Bai Xiangsheng cursed angrily, "When will you be back?"

    Meng Manglong looked at the familiar scenery around him , his voice a little dry: "A few days later.

    It's coming soon, trust me." "Really," Bai Xiangsheng muttered a little dissatisfied. "Suddenly he said that he was going on a business trip, and suddenly the house was renovated, so I could only stay at Baoyuan's house temporarily. I really want to

    Scolding you." "Cold, my husband should be scolded," Meng Manglong smiled happily, "Am I still not scolding you? When I come back, you can educate me

    whatever you want." Bai Xiangsheng heard him over the phone . With that said, the reserved feigning anger couldn't hold up, so he chuckled.

    "However, after you have educated me, I have to teach you a lesson," Meng Manglong turned a corner, glanced at the rearview mirror, "My husband is holding back this day, and after coming back, I want to fuck-you a thousand times . "

    Bai Xiangsheng's face immediately resembled a ripe red tomato, completely red.

    Yu Baoyuan sat aside and looked at Bai Xiangsheng's appearance, only to feel that a mouthful of cold dog food had been forcibly poured down.

    When he first saw him, Bai Xiangsheng was cold and reticent; after reconciling with Meng Manglong and agreeing to be together, he became extraordinarily cheerful, like the first sun on a mountain, full of vitality and enthusiasm.

    Really envious, Yu Baoyuan smiled with crooked eyes, thinking in his heart, Meng Manglong and Bai Xiangsheng are really meant to be together.

    Bai Xiangsheng said through the phone, "You slutty, what do you say?"

    "It's not that," Meng Manglong's throat dried, "I really miss you, miss you, and want to hug you. I really want to fuck-


    Bai Xiangsheng stared at the phone, "Okay, you drive seriously. Did you hear that?"

    Suddenly he stopped talking.

    Bai Xiangsheng asked strangely: "Meng Manglong, have you hung up?" There was

    still no reply.

    Bai Xiangsheng held his breath, and suddenly heard the more and more obvious nervous breathing and faster and faster wind on the other end of the phone.

    A bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart: "Manglong, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

    Yu Baoyuan turned his head strangely and looked over. Bai Xiangsheng had already stood up unconsciously, and his voice raised a higher tone. .

    Meng Manglong over there finally replied: "Baby, I'm fine. I'm just..."

    He didn't finish this sentence. Yu Baoyuan here looked at Bai Xiangsheng's originally ruddy face in astonishment, and the time changed. It must be bloodless and pale.

    He didn't know what Meng Manglong said over there, making Bai Xiangsheng suddenly look nervous, but Bai Xiangsheng himself knew very well.

    Because he heard a shocking explosion from Meng Manglong's side through the phone.

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