Frodo of the Shire

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Thoughts: Underlined
3rd POV:

Come, there is somewhere we need to be," Gandalf said before getting on a horse-drawn cart.

"Wait, Mr. Abanathy, what's going on?" Ellia asked in shock.

Gandalf grabbed Ellia by her garments and pulled her into the cart. He then gave her a cloak and her weapons.

He snapped the reins and the horse began moving. "We must make it to the village of The Shire. If I think what I think today is, it is Bilbo Baggins's birthday."

"Wait. Rewind. What happened?" Ellia asked as she put on the cloak and put on the hood.

"When you said the words in the book, it teleported us here. There are things I have not told you, child, but I will tell you everything as soon as we get to the Shire." Gandalf said before turning to looks at Ellia. " I do not want you to speak a word as soon as we get there. I will introduce you as my apprentice and you must say nothing about being from another world. It will only lead to more trouble that we do not want at the moment. And do not call me by the way you know me, it is either Mithrandir or Gandalf in public."

" But I can call you pops in private, right?" Ellia asked.

"Yes, you may my dear."

****Time skip brought to you by Sam saying PO- TAY- TOES!****

Now in the Shire, Gandalf was singing a tune that Ellia heard him sing when she was younger. All the sudden, a three-foot six-man jumped into sight.

"You're late, " the man said.

Gandalf turned to the man. "A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Not is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to."

They stared at each other for a moment before they began laughing.

"Its wonderful to see you, Gandalf!" Frodo said before looking at Ellia. "Who is this?"

"This is my apprentice, Annabeth. She is new to these parts." Gandalf said before taking off again with Frodo at his right and Ellia at his left.

"It is wonderful to meet you, lady Annabeth," Frodo said.

"Likewise, " she said before turning away shyly.

"She does not talk much, Frodo, so do not mind her manners,"  Gandalf said.

"Alright, Gandalf. I'm happy you made it!" Frodo said excitedly.

"You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?" said Gandalf as he was riding to Bilbo's hobbit hole.

"What news of the outside world? Tell me everything!" said Frodo excitedly.

Gandalf looked at Frodo. "What, everything? Far too eager and curious for a Hobbit, Most unnatural. Well, what can I tell you? Life in the wide world goes on much as if it has past age. Full of its own comings and goings, scarcely even aware of the existence of Hobbits, for which I am very thankful."

Gandalf looks around the Shire and sees other hobbits putting up decorations and a banner that said 'Happy Birthday, Bilbo Baggins'

"Ah, the long-expected party. So, how is the old rascal? I hear it's going to be a Party of Special Magnificence," Gandalf said.

Frodo smiles before looking at Gandalf. "You know Bilbo; he's got the whole place in an uproar."

Gandalf chuckled. "Oh, well... that should please him."

Half the Shire's been invited. He's up to something," Frodo said.

Gandalf averted Frodo's eyes when he looked at him.

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