From over to under

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Spells and elvish are in italics

Ellia's Pov:

Although I already knew that the snow of the Misty Mountains was going to be an issue, I wasn't expecting it to be so deep. Every step the fellowship took, most of them ended up getting engulfed in the snow, everyone except Legolas. Lucky elf genetics.

As the rest of us struggled in the snow, I heard something fall and start to roll down the snowy bank. As soon as I heard Aragorn yell Frodo's name, I freeze in place and I turn around to see what was going on. I saw Aragorn lift Frodo from the ground, and I watched Frodo search around his neck for the ring.

Oh no...

Staying in my spot, I looked around the snow for the ring and as I soon as I saw it, I started walking towards it. I was beat to it by Boromir who saw it sooner than I did and picked it up by the chain.

"Boromir." Aragorn said, his voice tense.

"Give the Ring to Frodo." I say, my voice just as tense.

Boromir seemed to ignore us, as if he was being entranced by the Ring. As he brought his hand closer to the Ring, I placed my hand on the hilt of my dagger. I won't let him get controlled by the Ring.

"It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing... such a little thing," he says as his finger touches the Ring.

I took out my dagger, rushed forward, and snatched the Ring from his hand as I pointed the dagger at Boromir's throat. I saw the Ring's influence fade from Boromir's eyes, and he raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..." Boromir murmured.

I kept my dagger by his throat until I felt a hand on my shoulder, Aragorn's hand.

"That's enough, Ellia. Give the Ring to Frodo." He whispered in my ear.

I slowly lower the dagger and put it back in my belt and I put the necklace on, the cold chain freezing my neck and the gold ring weighing heavy.

"I'm a Ringbearer too. Frodo's carried it for a while now, it's my turn."

I begin to walk up the mountain, the fellowship stood frozen in their place as I walked past them and I stopped when I couldn't hear them move for a couple minutes.

I turn to yell at them. "Well, come on then!"

Suddenly, I began to hear the footsteps of the fellowship and I begin walking again.


As we reached the top of the mountain, the snow got worse. A lot worse. Gandalf had to start using his staff to make a path for us to make sure that we didn't get drowned in snow, and all of a sudden, a snowstorm randomly appeared. I knew what was going to happen, so I kept close to the Hobbits to make sure that they don't freeze to death. Legolas, still being able to walk on top of the snow, heard a voice in the air, a voice that I knew all too well.

" There is a fell voice in the air!" He yells.

"It's Saurman!" I yell. "Gandalf, we have to go!"

It was like the words I said were carried away by the wind. Gandalf and Saurman's power fought for control over the mountain and the next thing I knew, a lightning bolt hit the cliffside and the fellowship was buried in the snow. I felt the snow get heavier and heavier and I sensed the air pocket quickly begin to lose oxygen. I tried to pry my hands free from the tight grip of the snow, but it seemed that the snow was trying to suffocate me. As a last-minute attempt to not die, I created a tiny flame in my hands, causing them to melt the snow around my hands and then I sent a heated blast around me, causing the snow to melt all around me, also freeing everyone else.

Boromir and Aragorn were holding the hobbits, which were beginning to freeze and the rest of the Fellowship were having trouble keeping warm because of the snow plunge we just took. Boromir, with a strong but hoarse voice, spoke despite the strong wind trying to mute his words.

"We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!"

"The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!" Aragorn spoke next. We were all waiting for Gandalf's input when a thought occurred to me.

"Wait, Gimli, didn't you say that your cousin lives under the mountain?"

"Aye, we could go through the Mines of Moria! I am certain Balin and my people will help us!"

Gandalf turned to Frodo. "Let the ringbearer decide."

After a few moments of consideration, Frodo chose to go through the mountain so down the snowy slope we went. It got slightly warmer the closer we got to the bottom of the mountain and pretty soon, I could feel my own bones begin to defrost from the numbing cold of the snow. By the time we got to the bottom of the mountain, it was nighttime and the stars shown brightly in the sky. I kept a close eye on the pond by Moria's entrance, but I kept close to Frodo to make sure that the monster under the water wasn't going to get to him first.

" mirrors only starlight and moonlight." I heard Gandalf say to the group as the moon began to show itself from the clouds, lighting the door with ancient runes.

"What does it say?" I ask.

"It says: The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter."

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry asked.

"It's quite simple. If you are a friend, speak the password and the doors will open. Annon edhellen, edro hi ammen!"

The door didn't budge. Gandalf tried again and again until he threw down his staff in annoyance and he sat down on a rock.

"Oh, it's hopeless!" I heard Gandalf say.

I got down to Frodo's level and I tapped his shoulder.

"Frodo, the words are phrased in a certain way. Kind of like a certain thing your uncle would love."

Frodo looked puzzled for a moment then understood what I said.

"It's a riddle! Speak 'friend' and enter! What's the elvish word for friend?"

Legolas spoke up. "Mellon."

As soon as the word was spoken, the doors opened and the men all walked inside. I was about to enter too when I felt a slimy thing wrap around my ankle. I instantly knew.

"Son of a bi-"

I was flung into the air, tentacle still wrapped around my ankle and then I heard a scream. I don't know if it was me, Boromir, or one of the hobbits, but it sounded like a little girl. Pretty soon I saw Aragorn, Legolas and Boromir run out of the cave and start fighting the monster.

'Huh, so it wasn't Boromir.' I thought as I was trying to break free from the monster.

I used my dagger to cut the tentacle off and I felt myself falling then be caught by a pair or strong arms. I wasn't paying attention on who it was because I was too focused on taking the thing down. I felt my powers surge through me and with one giant push of my hands, my telekinesis shot the monster up from the water and into the rocky wall behind it. Hard. I heard it scream and saw it fall back into the water. Next thing I knew, we rushed into the mines and the door closed.

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