The Detour

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A\N: the outfit is her travel outfit.

Underline: Writing

Ellia's POV:

Journal Entry 1:

Today is January 2nd. It's been a week since we left Rivendell and there still isn't an ounce of snow on the ground. The others see it as a good omen for our travels, but I miss seeing the white powder on the ground like I used to in New York. I also miss my friends that I made in Rivendell. I quickly became friends with the children of Elrond and with Elrond's right hand, Lindir. He gave me this journal to keep track of what happens in case should the fellowship fail. In the past week, Gimli seems to have taken a liking to the hobbits and he keeps them close when we go by a "spooky area." Aragorn and Gandalf have been leading the group since we have left, and they haven't let me or Frodo out of their sights. Sometimes their overprotectiveness can be annoying, but I know they mean well. I wonder what's happening in New York. Even though there more heroes to protect it, I can't help but worry that my home is being attacked and I am of no help. Right now, we're hidden off the road and Sam made dinner for us. The hobbits and Gandalf are sitting to my left while Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir are on another log to my right. Dinner is about to start; I will write again when the time is right.

I felt a tap on the shoulder. I look up from my new journal and I see Aragorn holding two bowls of stew. He hands me one of the bowls and sits next to me.

"What are you writing about?"

I close the book and put it to the side before looking at my new friend.

"I'm writing about our journey so far. Lindir gave it to me so I can keep track of everything in case things went south. I really hope things don't go south."

"I am sure they will not."

I feel my heart sink a little as I turn my face away from Aragorn. I can't tell any of them what happens. Gandalf and I already know and it's a burden. Telling them might influence something worse to happen.

"You never know. In my world, there's a lot of things that go south. The journey through the Gap of Rohan is not the one we should take."

"Well, things might be different now that you're here. I doubt that will be the case."

Aragorn put an arm around my shoulder. I looked at him again with a chuckle.

"No wonder Tolkien called you Elessar."

"He did?"

"Yeah. You're a huge hero in his books. I think he even made your character based on him and he made Arwen in dedication to his wife, Edith. It's a little cheesy in my opinion. Wholesome and sweet, but cheesy."


3rd POV:

Aragorn looked like he was going to speak again, but he was interrupted by Gimli.

"So lass, do you know everything that is going to happen?"

Ellia looked at him.

" I'm not sure I can say. And even if I could, I won't tell you."

"So, that is a yes then?" Pippin asked.

"I don't know, is it?"

Pippin and Merry looked at Ellia before looking at each other in confusion. Sam looked at Ellia with pleading eyes.

"Is there anything you can tell us, Miss Ellia?"

"Sorry Sam, but I can't."

There was a small silence in between the fellowship as they finished their food. Sam went around and collected the plates but he tripped on one of the small rocks around the clearing. Ellia lifted her hand and she used her telekinesis to catch Sam and the bowls.

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