Letter to Mirkwood

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A/N: Sorry for the SUUUUUPER late update. But I'm alive! Enjoy the chapter!!😁

**3rd Pov**

After the council ended, another secret meeting was held by Elrond in his office. Gandalf, Aragorn, the dwarfs, the Mirkwood elves, and Legolas were all a part of it. As the attendees got sorted, the dwarfs and Gimli to the left of Gandalf, Gandalf in the middle, and the elves, Legolas, and Aragorn to the right of Gandalf. Once everyone got situated, Elrond started the meeting.

"Thank you all for coming. This topic which I am about to speak about is extremely important and should stay extremely secret."

One of the dwarfs named Gloin spoke up.

"What is it you want to talk about, Lord Elrond?"

"This is about the lost Princess of Mirkwood. Do you all know the tale?"

Collective nods and "Aye" or "Yes" were heard by the people in the office. The elves of Mirkwood, the dwarfs or Erebor, and Legolas tensed up. Legolas sighed and got up from his chair angrily and started to walk toward the office door.

"If we are here to talk about my lost sister, I might as well leave. My father spent a year searching for her across All Middle Earth and she was never found. Why do you bring her up? After all this time?"

"Because I am here to say that we have found her. She is much closer than you know."

The whole room was silent, you could hear the pin drop. Then all of the sudden, both dwarfs and elves stood up in an uproar. But before anything was said, Legolas cursed in Elvish and punched the door to the office. The door didn't budge but Legolas's hand started to bruise as he kept hitting it and cursing. Finally, he stopped punching the door and with his bloodied knuckles, he swung the door open and walked out. The rest of the room looked at the open door in shock. Aragorn walked out of the office in search of his friend.

Legolas stormed into the archery range where he found Ellia throwing knives and shooting at targets with her bow. He took his bow off his back and started to rapid fire at one of the targets in anger.

Ellia looked over to him and saw his knuckles covered in blood. She dropped her things and jogged over to the prince.

"Those don't look too good."

Legolas lowered his bow and turned to her in confusion.


"Your knuckles, they're bloody. What happened, a disagreement about who's bow's who's?"

Legolas glared at Ellia. She put her hands up in surrender.

"Okay, geez! Looks like jokes aren't a thing in this world."

The prince sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"It should be me who apologizes, my lady. I was angered at a previous encounter, and I took it out on a door, the target, and now you. And for that, I apologize."

"Eh, you're good. Wait, a door? What did the door do? Did it get your hair caught in its hinges or something? Let me heal your hands, pretty boy."

Legolas sighed and plopped on the ground. Ellia followed suit. She then grabbed his hands and began to heal them.

"Hey, talk to me, Legolas. What happened?"

Legolas didn't look at Ellia in the eyes.

"There was something that happened that I thought was never going to be possible. Now I have to write to my parents and tell them the news."

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