mushrooms, roads, and black hoods

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I'm using a mix of the theatrical version, extended version, and my own writing to not get copywrited by Peter Jackson or anyone else.

Bold Italics: Black Speech


Ellia's POV:

5 hours. We've gone through a forest, plains, and all through another part of the shire. And Sam kept getting lost or trailing behind. For a gardener, he sure doesn't know his sense of direction. Frodo and I were walking in the cornfields when all of the sudden, we hear a voice.

"This is it."

"This is what?"

"If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been."

"Come on, Sam, we're going to waste precious time," Ellia said not looking back.

Frodo wrapped his shoulder around Sam and walked with him.

"Remember what Bilbo used to say? 'It's a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't kick your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off too.'"

3rd POV:

Frodo, Sam, and Ella stopped for lunch in the woods. Ellia was chewing on a piece of bread when she heard voices.

Frodo heard the same thing and addressed Sam.

"Sam! Wood elves!"

The trio ran up a slope and hid between the bushes to see the elves.

"They're leaving."


"The Undying Lands."

"When we get back to camp, you two get some sleep. I'll keep watch." Ellia said.

Ellia watched as the moon turned to the sun and the stars fade into the blue sky. She woke up the hobbits by making a small breakfast and they all walked into the cornfields by noon.

Frodo and Ellia were walking together and Sam trailed behind. As soon as Sam got to the trail where Ellia and Frodo were on, he couldn't find them. Sam panicked.

"Mr. Frodo? Ms. Ellia? Frodo? Frodo!"

Frodo and Ellia walked over to where Sam was and saw him visibly relax.

"You okay, Sam?" Ellia asked.

"I thought I lost you both," Sam said.

Ellia's brows raised in confusion.

"It's just something Gandalf said: 'Don't you lose them, Samwise Gamgee.' and I don't mean to."

"Sam, we are still in the Shire, what could possibly happen?" Frodo asked.

Two people knocked Ellia down to the ground and she jumped up ready to take the people down.

Pippin looked at Frodo. "Frodo! Merry, look! It's Frodo Baggins!"

Merry looked up. "Hello, Frodo!"

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