Into the thick of it

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A/N: I'm sorry for the title (No I'm not)
Italics: Singing

Ellia POV:

True to his word, Strider woke us all up at the crack of dawn and have us moving by sunrise. I looked at the sun in awe before catching up with the others. No one said a word before we got into the forest.

"Where are you taking us?" Frodo asked.

"Into the wild," Strider said.

"How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?" Merry whispered.

"I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler," Frodo whispered.

"He's foul enough," Merry mumbled.

I walked closer to them, and I glared at them. "Be nice. He told me that he is, and he knows something that only Gandalf knows. Just be glad that he's on our side and not theirs." I walk ahead of them and stay a little behind Strider.

"She has a point. We have no choice but to trust him," Frodo said.

"But where is he taking us?" whispered Sam.

"To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. To the house of Elrond, " Strider announced.

I tensed up when he turned around to look at me. He then gave me a slight smile and then extended his hand for me. I walked up next to him before we started walking through the woods again. All while that was happening, I heard Sam say something about seeing elves. When we reached a clearing, Strider stopped in his tracks, and I heard voices behind me. Strider and I turn round simultaneously to see the hobbits about to unpack.

"Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall," Strider said.

"What about breakfast?" Pippin asked.

"You've already had it," Strider said.

"We've had one, yes. But what about second breakfast?" Pippin asked before making a smug look.

I facepalmed before I threw my head back and groaned. Strider turned around and started walking away.

I listened to Merry and Pippin talk a little more before I looked up to see an apple tree. I used my telekinesis to toss an apple behind me. I heard someone catch it, so I launched another, but the person was too slow to hit them in the head. I later found out it was Pippin due to him complaining about the small bump on his head.

Nightfall came again after a long walk over a bug-covered marsh and densely covered forest. We rested near a clearing and lit a small fire. Sam, Merry, and Pippin went to sleep as soon as the camp was set and dinner was served. I stayed a little ways from the camp to check around for any enemies. I hear a twig snap, and I turned to my right to see two glowing eyes of a skinny creature. I took out a dagger from my bag and got ready to attack, but the creature was gone by the time I turned around. I felt my eyes change color before the same damn voice that I've heard decided to make its ominous return.

'Protect the ring'

I groaned and put my head in my hands. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I grabbed my dagger and jumped up from my position. Strider looked at me in concern before he grabbed my non-gripping dagger for dear life-hand.

"You remind me of my friend's mother. She had the same thing you do but in a different hue to the eyes. Since her eyes were green, her powers her the color teal. But yours is a light red, almost pink." he said before watching my eyes go back to their blue color.

He looked at the area surrounding us before sitting down next to the spot where I was sitting. I looked down before sitting in my spot and sheathing my dagger. I took out my phone, headphones, and my Rubix cube to solve as I listened to music. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Strider curiously looking at the cube. I took an earbud out and paused the music.

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