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First Age: Yeni 92
(elvish are in italics)

It was a quiet day in the kingdom of Greenwood. Queen Elerrian and King Thranduil were walking in the garden when 100-year-old Legolas (looks like an 8-year-old) ran up with an injured bird with his 70-year-old sister (looks like a 4-year-old) behind him.

"Naneth! Naneth, thir!" Legolas cried out. "Ellia found the bird in the bushes with a hurt wing!"

"On- nin i ae, pin lass, let me help them," Elerrian said as Legolas put the bird into his mothers' hands.

Elerrian's hands begin to glow a bright yellow light before the bird spreads its wings and flies away.

"So an, dilthen ae!" Ellia cried out to the bird.

Thranduil chuckled as he picked up Ellia and placed her on his hip. "Let's go children, it's dinnertime."


*Timeskip brought to you by Legolas singing "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"*


After dinner, Ellia went outside the castle walls and laid on the grass to see the stars. The stars seemed to dance around the sky. She looked around before stretching her hand up high and an energy field started to form from her petite hand.

All of a sudden, the stars began to move at her hand gestures. They began to create different animals and the star-like animals began to chase each other around playfully until Ellia dropped her hands and let the stars go back to their original state. She got up and decided to go back into the secure gates of the palace.

As she was walking towards the gates, Gundabad orcs began to sneak up on Ellia. Suddenly, a horn rang out all around the castle, and elven soldiers ran around the kingdom. Ellia started running towards the palace gates. The orcs ran up to Ellia and snatched her up. She started to scream and make her powers lose control. The guards went after the orcs, not before warning the King about the situation.

Thranduil ran all over the castle looking for his wife and son, fearing the worst. He searched the royal chambers, the training grounds, and even the library. When he reached the cellar, he saw his son behind his wife with a small dagger and his wife with her powers flaring, ready for a fight. Once Ellerian saw it as her husband, she let her hands down and ran into his with their son in tow.

"Where's Ellia?" Ellerian asked worriedly.

"She was taken by the Gundabad orcs. Our guard is getting them as we speak, my love," Thranduil said with as much courage he could muster to make his voice less shakey.

"Is El okay, Naneth?" Legolas asked fearfully.

"She is alright, pin lass. She's just a little lost, but the guards are going to take her home," Ellerian said with sort of a shaky voice.

Hours have passed, the guard came up empty-handed. The King was furious and sent more guards and sent letters to the kingdoms and small villages. Hours became days, days became weeks, weeks became months. The search for the lost princess wound up becoming desperate.

As one last hurrah to look for his daughter, Thranduil, his guard, Gandalf the Grey, and a group of Erebor's dwarves went to Gundabad to search for Ellia.

"Thank you for helping me, Thrain, son of Thror. And thank you Thror, son of Thrain. I will forever be grateful for your help, " Thranduil said.

"We love your daughter, King Thranduil. She brings joy wherever she goes. If she's in danger, then the orcs will have to deal with the wrath of the dwarves!" Thror said.

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