I'm in Middle-WHAT?!

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60 years later (15 years later in the modern world)

Thoughts: Underlined

Ellia POV:

Rain. My favorite type of weather. Many people use umbrellas and hiding under their cases but I enjoy the rain touching my hair and hitting my skin.

Oh. I forgot to say, hi, my name is Ellia Walsh.
I'm 21 and I have no recollection of my parents or my life before being abandoned on the streets of New York. I don't remember how I got to the orphanage or who brought me there in the first place.  All I remember is a song that has been embedded in my head and a blurry image of a man, a woman, and a child a little older than me. I also remember seeing a man with a robe and a pointy hat and a wooden staff who looks a lot like the man who adopted me. I also remember a dwarf-like man who I felt a different connection to like the other blurry people in my mind.

When I was 12, a man named Mr. Abanathy took me out of the orphanage, adopted me, and gave me a series of books called the Hobbit for my "birthday".  At first, I couldn't understand the words due to my dyslexia, but then the words started to make sense, especially the elvish and dwarvish language. It seemed like Mr. Abanathy had the same thing I did; we bonded and he became my honorary grandpa. I somehow felt connected with Prince Legolas, King Thranduil, and Queen Ellerian; the Mirkwood Royals. In secret, I would imagine that I was in their family and Mr. Abanathy was the wizard Gandalf.

At 16, something else happened. I developed powers.

At first, I was moving things and reading people's thoughts with my mind. Then I was beginning to turn back time and manipulating every type of energy around me. When my grandfather cut his finger, my hands started to glow yellow and began to heal his finger and I also brought the blood that he lost back into his body. After I learned to control my abilities and hide them well within society, my grandfather took me out to see the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy when they all came out. I grew fond of Thorin even more with the Hobbit movies and I cried when the death and funeral scene came on the screen.

Now, 21 years old, I moved into the city and I work at a library that Mr. Abanathy opened up a few years ago. I still keep the books that he gave me and I carry at least two of them in my bag and I walk through the streets with my nose in a book every day- well almost every day.

I ran into the library and I saw my adoptive grandfather sorting books and putting the last of them into carts. I took off my earbuds and paused the music on my phone.

"Good Afternoon, Mr. Abanathy! I'm ready to get working!" I said as I put her wet hair into a ponytail.

My grandpa sighed before looking at me. "Go change or you'll get a fever, Ellia."

"Pops, I never get sick. I've been in negative-degree weather outside with just a sweater and a hat for hours and I didn't get sick then," I complained.

"What about that time when you were nine years old?" he asked.

"That was different!" I whined.

"Oh, I'm sorry; would you like some cheese to go with that whine?" he joked.

I looked at grandpa with a blank expression. "Just because you're from England doesn't mean that your jokes are funny, pops."

"Get changed, clock in, then start putting the books away," he said before walking away with a cart.

"Yes, sir..." I grumbled.

****Slight Time Skip****

I put in the last of the books in the children's section before walking over to the front desk to see a book on the ledge. I looked around the library then groaned in anger before taking the book and placing it down so I can check it in.

'Stupid people. Why can't they just put the book away to where they found it?'

I look at the side of the book and see that there is no barcode. I look at the inside and it was the same, no ink on the pages and no bookmark to see who checked it out.

"Yo pops! There's a book here and there's nothing on it! What should I do?" I yelled into the library. I got no response. "Pops? Pops!" I yelled louder. No response.

"There's no need to shout, my dear," some said behind me.

I jumped and whirled around to see my grandpa behind me chuckling.

"Not. Funny. Pops." I said blankly.

"Sorry, my dear. Maybe someone left it here on accident."

"What should I do with it?" I asked.

"Leave it there, Ellia. Someone will come back for it." my grandpa said before vanishing into the library once more.

3rd POV:

Ellia looked at the book and then looked around to see if Mr. Abanathy was around. She then opened the book to the middle. She then grabbed a feather pen, dipped it in ink, and proceeded to write.

"Property of Ellia Walsh."

She then closed the book and put it in her book bag. She and her grandfather got in the car and went home.

***Another Time Skip***

After the day turned into night, Ellia sat by the fireplace and opened the book. She turned the book to the light and saw strange gold markings.

"Er echor na thenid hain all, er echor na rad- hain, er echor na tul- hain all a in i fuin gwedhi- hain," Ellia said in elvish subconsciously.

The fire started to dim and Mr. Abanathy walked in with fear.

"Child, what have you done?!" he asked harshly.

" I was reading what was on the book-" Ellia said before a bright light engulfed her and Mr. Abanathy.

Ellia POV:

'What just happened...?' I thought. I opened my eyes to see the tops of trees and smoke coming from a house. I sit up and see my grandfather go out of the house with a wooden cup.

"Oh good, you're awake, " he said smiling before handing me the mug. "It's chamomile, your favorite."

"Thanks pops. Where are we?" I asked before taking a sip.

"We are in Middle Earth, year 3018 of the Third Age, " he said before he sat down on a chair next to her.



"I'm in Middle-WHAT?!"

"Er echor na thenid hain all, er echor na rad- hain, er echor na tul- hain all a in i fuin gwedhi- hain."~ One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them, one ring to bring them and in darkness bind them

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