Council of Cranky old men

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Thoughts will look like this

3rd POV:

The next day, Arwen was trying to tame Ellia's tangled hair until it was nice and wavy.

"Thanks, Arwen. I can barely manage my hair by myself, and grandpa- Gandalf would always be able to untangle it so quickly. Now I'm thinking that he used magic to untangle it since his hair length is different here and it's a slight mess."

"Of course, Ellia, your hair is beautiful either way. Are you ready for the dress?"

"Ugh... I have to wear a dress?"

"At least for the Council, your clothes are being cleaned and mended from yesterday."

"Okay-wait. How do you know my real name?"

"Strider and my father told me who you are. They also said that you were from a place called New York."

As Ellia got up, a knock was heard at the door and Arwen shooed Ellia into the bathroom with the dress. Arwen then opened the door to see Aragorn and Legolas at the doorway.

"Mae l'ovannen, Legolas, my love. What brings you here?"

"We are here for Annabeth, is she ready?" Legolas looked around the room curiously until he and Aragorn see the bathroom door open.

Ellia walks out with a frown on her face, and she keeps tugging at the sleeves of the dress.

"I go on the record for hating this dress and I never want to wear a dress again."

Arwen sighed and looked back at Ellia. "It is just until your old outfit is mended, Ellia. Have patience."

"Trust me, patience is something I don't have. Anyway, can we go now? The sooner we get to the meeting, the sooner I can get out of this dress and into some decent clothes."

Legolas and Aragorn extended their arms for Ellia, and she looked at them suspiciously before taking their arms.

"I'm going to let go as soon as we get to the meeting place... wherever that is."

**Small Time Skip**

Everyone was waiting for Legolas, Aragorn, and Ellia. Boromir sighed before looking to Elrond annoyed.

"Can we just start this meeting without them? Certainly, they can be caught up later!"

Gandalf glared at Boromir before standing up and walking over to Bormir.

"I will not have my apprentice belittled. Aragorn and Legolas are simply helping her- ah! There you are!"

Aragorn and Legolas walk up and go to their seats and then a few seconds later, Ellia runs up the stairs and walks over to the empty seat between Frodo and Gandalf. Gandalf looks at Ellia before sitting down next to her.

"You are late."

"I know, but you try to walk in a dress and heels all the way here!"

Elrond clears his throat and gives an amused look to Ellia.


"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate...this one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo."

Frodo got up and placed the ring on the plinth and then walked back to his seat and sighed in relief. Ellia noticed and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

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