Chapter 35

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"Thank you so much, but I will get going now. Do you mind calling a cab? I need to grab my stuff from the club. " I asked the Devil.

"I've already got someone to grab you your purse back. It's in the living room. I will drop you, " he said while typing.

"Hmm, no, that's okay. I don't want to bother you. I will find my way out, thanks, " I said and headed out.

I was just about to press the elevator. The Devil was beside me.

"I told you, I will drop you!" he grunted.

"I said I would be fine. I don't need any more favours, " I winched.

"Favours? do you think I am doing your favors because I helped you yesterday?" He said in a hard voice.

"Obviously," I mocked

He pushed me against the elevator and tried to kiss me.

"We really need to stop doing that, that not very professional," I said, stopping him.

"Professional, do you think what we have is only professional? Bella, I want more of you. Fuck I want and need all of you be mine!" He said as a matter of fact.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Do you thing I'm a prize that you can own, the thing between us needs to stop if we want our professional life to work".

"Do you mind let go of me, I really need to go" I pushed my way out of the elevator.

But he grabbed my arm and said " just get in the car will you" he slide his sunglasses on.

I puff in exasperation and got inside the car. The car ride was in complete silence.

Arriving near my apartment, I could see police and fire brigades around the area. The police patrol stop us from going any further.

"What the hell" I said looking outside.

"Just stay in the car, I will find out" said the Devil exiting his car.

"As if duh!" I round my eyes murmuring to myself.

I saw the Devil talking to a police officer. Making my way to them, the Devil look at me with anger but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry Mr. Devin but that's all for now we had all the building evacuated" he said and went off.

The Devil turned to me and said " well someone was seen coming out of the building apparently with a bomb but they doesn't know if any of the apartments are targeted, so had to evacuated everyone until further notice till they clear all the building".

I looked at him with widden eyes. "Did they know who it was?" I gluped with fear.

His expression changed and he caressed my cheek "hey it okay, you safe and they got a sketch of the guy coming out" he replied

As if all my blood has dried out in my body, I was frozen he found me could it be him.

"Can I see the picture?" I asked.

"Well they won't let us at the moment but I got my guys already working on it. You don't have to worry you safe with me" he whispered hugging me.

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