Chapter 12

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"WHERE IS YOUR DAMN PHONE!" said a loud voice resonating through the entier cafeteria.

Well you guess well it was the Devil. Instantly the noise quiet down we can only hear the clock ticking.

That was scary.

He stroll in my direction as if he was hunting a prey. His face showed anger .

"Sorry sir we were having lunch" i said in a quiet voice.

Looking at the front i only saw Freedie, Adam was long gone. That traitor i'll deal with him later

"Your one hour break was finished 30 mintues ago" he said fuming.

"I don't pay you to flirt with other employee" he said grunting his teeth.

"But.." i was about to say when he cut me off and yelled "back to the office now" in a dangerous voice.

I grabbed my stuff and went to the elevator without a second look at the back. I could hear murmur going on.

Tears were threatening to fall but i didn't want to give that Devil the satisfaction that he break me already.

Entering my office, i placed my bag on the floor and proceed on finishing the files.

I was shocked, to my dismay everything was gone. I recheck several time but nothing. Hours of work wasted. I hold on my necklace while bitting my lips in frustration.

I knew who might be responsible for that.

Talking about the Devil, here he came bursting into my office nearly crushing the glass door out, he was full of rage.

Being seated, i felt safer and put on my brave face.

"What the hell was that" he yelled at me.

"I don't know what you talking about, i was just having lunch with my friends" i replied with a silly smile.

That what fuel his anger more.

He grabbed me by the arm and made me stand.

One arm around my waist holding me tight and the other one grabbing my face to look at him"Don't fucking test my patience i don't want you fucking around in my property" he growled.

I was beyond mad, he pissed off real bad how dare he accuse me like that.

I struggled to push him away but instead was held tighter

"How dare you talk to me like that and my fucking personal life does not regard you and for your kind information i was on my lunch break which I went 30 mintues late" i said angrily while still trying to push him away but didn't move a bit.

"And fuck you Devil, how dare you delete my work" i ask angrily our face still touching.

"Well baby girl, you are mine this two years. You abid by my contract and you have to do everything that i say" he smirk.

"I dont know what you talking about and I'm expecting these files in two hours" he smirk and left my arm and left my office all anger evaporated.

Fixing my glasses, i started my work with an unknown force.

It was nearly 5 o'clock. Three minutes till five o'clock and i was with my last file.

Having a look at my watch, 60 seconds left. I quickly gathered all the files and rush to his office.

Without knocking i got inside.

"Where are your manners, baby girl" he said with a smirk.

"Go back and knock politely" he added.

I growl and seriously wanted to punch that smirk out of his face.

Knocking at the door "may I come in sir?". I rolled my eyes.

I heard "enter".

Rushing inside i nearly tripped and he was counting.

"Four,three,two..." he was counting.

I drop the files on his desk while he said "one".

I was exhausted, i put my hand on my knee and try to catch my breath.

"Well about time you come" he smirk.

He opened the files and studied one, once he was done,

I was waiting for a bravo or well done but i had to see it coming.

He stand up with my files in his hands and dump everything in the bin.

I watched him shock with open mouth.

"I'm expecting you tomorrow at 5 o'clock" he said.

"But i started at 7" i said a bit confused.

"You starting 7 at the office and 5 at my apartment" he smirk.

"What the hell do you mean im not having sex with you" i said in horror.

"Although sex is tempting, i don't think I'm that desperate yet and i want you to make me coffee and breakfast every single day of this for 2 years" he said with a satisfying as he saw my face turn into horror.

"But I'm sure you got cook at you home and i don't know how to cook" i instantly said trying to save myself.

He got up and stood infront of me and said.

"Well baby girl," he stopped and look at his watch and said "you got 12 hours to learn then" he smirk turning around and sit.

"You may go home for now because in these upcoming days you gonna enjoy yourself a lot" he said with sacrasm.

I gave him a fake smile and said "Good evening," loud and "Devil" in a low voice.

"I heard that baby girl, good evening and sleep well after today you won't to have one" he said.

"Its miss Wilson" i said irritation and left his office.

First days at a new job can be overwhelming and exhausting. You're unclear about expectations of people and the boss. But for me i think i need a new job or a new country, because I'm sure i will be lock up for murder soon.

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