Chapter 28

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I was in a room which was empty with only a mirror at the center.

I slowly made my way towards it.

Infront of me was my reflection but my reflection look skinnier and pale. Dark brown chocolate hair which used to be glossy and shiny was dull and lifeless. Icy blue eyes piercing my soul I could clearly see sadness in them.

Realisation hit me and my eyes widden and couldn't help my tear from coming out.

My heart clenched with so much pain. I couldn't help myself but reach out for the reflection with a sad smile a blooded tear roll down the bone like white cheek and my reflection said "be careful my sweet Bella my monster is out to get you, I can't protect you but know that there is someone who will always be there for you. Have faith. Know that I love you and you always a part of me".

I wanted to reach out but black hands were wrapped around my reflection throat and mouth. But I could feel the pain around my neck as well.

The black hands pull her away and the mirror turned black.

I screamed for my reflection to come back and the pressure on my throat came back and this time the monster was hovering over me.

I tried to kick him off but as if I was paralysed and could do anything.

It was difficult to breath now. Lucky I kick the monster off me.

He disappeared, in the mirror I could see chain around my reflection neck and with an evil smile the monster pull her away.

I screamed "Don't take her away please".

It's as if my soul left my body yet again.

Realisation hit me, the monster took her and I screamed lot.

"Please don't take her take me" and I cried loudly.

My felt myself being shaken and as if I travel trough that dark tunnel and came back to reality.

The Devil was infront of me and was caressing my cheeks. He was talking to me but I couldn't hear him. It's as if I was deaf.

The Devil hugged me and I cried I don't know how long.

Realising that was all a dream, I pushed him away gently.

"I'm sorry I disturbed you from your sleep I'm okay now thank you" I said wiping my tears, my hand still shaking.

"No baby girl it's okay you didn't disturbed me". He replied back softly.

I stood up still shaken and my legs gave up but the Devil wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Baby girl you still shaken up" he look at me with worried.

"I just need some fresh air, I'm okay now and you should rest your hand is injured." I said in a small voice.

"Nonsense my hand is getting better because I got a beautiful nurse to look after it" he smirk.

I couldn't help but smile.

"There you go that's my beautiful Annabella".

I stood up wrapped my arms around myself and made my way to the balcony.

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