Chapter 1

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"Bella, wake up. You're late for work. AGAIN!" Yelled my best friend Catalina banging on my door as if she wanted to take it down. I didn't bother to respond while she barged into my room.

Taking a peek at her through hooded sleepy eyes, "Your alarm is God damn so loud, it's bursting my freaking ears. I'm pretty sure you can hear it from the other side of the continent. " She rolled her eyes, saying that.

"I think you need to get your ears check and probably your brain as well," she continued her rumble. When i didn't repond, she shook me.

I groaned and buried my face further  into my pillow. "I'm so tired two more minutes, please." I mumbled.

After that, i didn't hear anything, which was kind of surprising because she never gave up. Assuming she left, i sighed in content and went back to sleep.

I felt myself drench with ice cold water. I didn't go swimming today. i shoot off my bed like a lighting crashing down on earth, except i came down crashing the floor like a sack of potato.

"What the heck, Catty? i gave her a sour look.

"Sorry hun but desperate time call for desperate measures. For my defence, it was your idea".

"The hell is wrong with you. It was just rethorical." i groan and pout while sitting cross-legged on the floor with my hair stick on my face.

"Come on babe, i made you some pancakes." She suddenly bribed.

Upon hearing the word "pancakes ",  that was it. I rushed to the bathroom without losing any second, thinking about these delicious, fluffy pieces of love that made my tongue water.

"Wow," i heard Catty say.

"You know pancakes make me excited," i yelled from the bathroom. I heard her chuckle while leaving my room.

Catalina Valentin nickname Catty or Cat is my best friend since forever she got really beautiful blue eyes with black hair and she is as tall as a model, well you would guess she is one, wrong she is a fashion designer well in the process of becoming one and she is very talented but at the moment she is working as an assistant for a big fashion agency.

I quickly brush my teeth while staring at my reflection in the mirror. I had big round hazel eye on the right and blue eye on the left, yes i got heterochromia well it is genetic in my family, mom got blue and green and grandma dark brown and hazel and i'm pretty sure my grandma parents had it too anyways. My dark brown waist length chocolate hair is looking as if it was gluded on my face.

I was always picked because of my eyes, color people would call me freak or attention seeker or even alien. But only my best friends find it beautiful.

With time, their comment doesn't bother me that much, and i was no longer in high school. They can shove their comment in their ass for all i care about now.

I quickly showered and used my favourite strawberry shampoo and body wash. I just love the smell of strawberry it makes me relax, and it also leaves a pleasant smell after.

Rushing out of the shower, i quickly dried my waistline hair, which was natually straight, and got dressed in my favourite blue jeans and a white t-shirt that says "pancake is life, eat more pancakes".

Looking at the clock, i was 10 minutes late, grabbing my bag and hoping till the kitchen while putting my black boots on at the same time.

I sat on the chair, and in record time, i devoured my breakfast. Running to the door while waving goodbye to Catty.

I put on my black leather jacket and made my way to my car.

"Hey Bells, you forgot your keys," she said while giggling the keys near the front door. I quickly sprinted and grabbed it.

"Thanks, Cat, you a life saver," i yelled, blowing her a kiss while running to my car and rushing at full speed to work.

I work in a fancy 5-star restaurant as a waitress. Upon entering, i heard my name, "Anniebella Wilson, can you please tell me why you late again?". Asked my supervisor angrily as if he was about to explode.

Robert is my supervisor he always put everybody on unnecessary pressure and will make everybody work twice harder just to get all the credit from the boss. He is a short and chubby guy around his late 30ies. I don't know about the other co-workers, but I'm sure i hate him to the core.

"Well, you know Rupert, nowadays there are lots of incidents on our roads that what hold up the taffic really badly," i said with my inncocent face purposely getting his name wrong. "And it's Annabella Wilson, not Anniebella."

I was annoyed he always got my name purposely wrong just to piss me off even more. Two can play at this i mentally smirk.

"Why are you the only that is always stuck in the traffic?"

I was about to reply, but he cut me off "well i don't care with your stupid comeback. Even if there is an earthquake, i want you here on time, spot on, and not a second late even if you have to fly to come here freaking do. "

"I'm i clear!". He huff

"Cystal," i replied

"Good, next time that happens, oh wait, there won't be a next time. That's your last warning. Be late again, you fired understand, " he said with his dirty smirk and turned bouncing off. Sorry, i mean walking off.

He was like that with me because he was once attracted to me and proposed a dinner date. But i kindly declined him , and since then, he has been taking a mission of making my life a living hell and always trying every opportunity to humiliate me. I suppose he doesn't take rejection well.

I was fed up with his behaviour. Sometimes, i feel like tying him on a treadmill and watching him suffer and begged me for mercy. I could feel the evil laugh inside my head.

"That's creepy, Bells," i mentally said.

With a big sigh, i went to the change room and wore my uniform, which consisted of a white dress shirt and a tight black skirt with my name tag.

What a long day ahead.

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